Formula ultimă de Omega - 60 de capsule moi | NoordCode
NoordCode Ultimate Omega Formula contains pure, unprocessed Calanus oil with a broad spectrum of marine fats, including omega-3 EPA & DHA and natural astaxanthin. Unique, highly stable, long-lasting new generation of omega-3 oil and much more. For brain, heart & vessels and eyes.
For whom is Ultimate Omega Formula interesting
NoordCode Ultimate Omega Formula is an excellent choice if you can relate to this:
Broad nutritional profile: For those who want to get all the good fats from the sea, including omega-3.
Bioavailable and effective: Ideal for those looking for an easily absorbable and effective omega-3 supplement.
Pure and unoxidised: For those who want to be sure of a pure, stable and undamaged omega-3 supplement.
Sustainable and renewable: For those who care about sustainability and protecting fish populations.
Straight from nature: For those who want sea fats straight from the source, without tinkering or additives.
With astaxanthin: Perfect for those who want to take natural astaxanthin with their omega-3.
Nothing removed, nothing added
Ultimate Omega Formula contains nothing but pure Calanus oil. Nothing has been added to the oil and nothing has been removed. The oil is packaged in fish gelatine softgels for easy ingestion.
Lactoserum Organic Pur - 650g | NoordCode
NoordCode Pure Whey is organically produced, pure whey protein concentrate. The milk comes from grass-fed cows grazing in the Alps. 80% protein. For muscle maintenance, growth and recovery.
Grass-fed, free-grazing cows from the Alps The milk for NoordCode Pure Whey comes from cows that graze in the Alps. The cows eat only grass or grass products from pastures that have never been exposed to pesticides. They are raised according to organic guidelines and receive no hormones or antibiotics. As a result, the milk is of the highest quality.
Only whey protein, with no additives or flavours Pure Whey contains only whey protein concentrate, as the name says. It contains no flavours or other additives. This makes it a versatile product that you can use in whatever way you like.
Soft processing without irradiation NoordCode Pure Whey is prepared using gentle heating without irradiation. This keeps as much protein as possible intact while making the whey protein concentrate food-safe.
Paleo Protein (Vanilla Bean) | 810g | Amy Myers MD
Dacă vă place gustul cafelei proaspăt prăjite și al latte-ului delicios și cremos, veți iubi Mocha Latte Paleo Protein!
Fără gluten, lactate și zahăr
Sublimă aromă cremoasă de cafea latte - fără cafea sau cofeină!
Bogat în proteine de înaltă calitate - 21 de grame pe porție
Provenită din carne de vită hrănită cu iarbă, fără OMG, fără hormoni și antibiotice
O sursă excelentă de aminoacizi esențiali și specifici colagenului
Toate beneficiile bulionului de oase fără complicații
Formulat la comandă de Dr. Myers
AIP/Autoimună prietenoasă, Keto prietenoasă și aprobată de Paleo