
Klenz + - 90 capsule | VerVita



Klenz + - 90 capsule | VerVita

Caracteristici cheie:

  • IconSeleniul contribuie la funcționarea normală a sistemului imunitar
  • IconOriganum vulgare îmbunătățește calitatea somnului.**
  • IconMilk thistle susține sănătatea ficatului.***
  • IconCurcuma ajută la gestionarea răspunsurilor antiinflamatorii.##
  • IconCurcuma h are proprietăți antioxidante semnificative.%%
  • IconPiper nigrum ajută la digerarea toxinelor.%%%
  • IconPiper nigrum h ajută prin efectele sale antimicrobiene și antiparazitare.$


În stoc. Livrare disponibilă în aceeași zi

Livrare gratuită disponibilă pentru comenzile de peste 125 EUR

In today's world, we're bombarded with toxins from all directions: the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even the thoughts we think. It's no wonder our bodies sometimes struggle to keep up with detoxifying all of this junk. That's where Klenz+ comes in. This powerhouse nutritional formula is what your body needs:

  • Choline contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism
  • Choline contributes to normal lipid metabolism
  • Choline contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function
  • Selenium contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
  • Selenium contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Origanum vulgare contains herbs with bile production and excretion promoting properties as well as inflammation and pain reducing properties.*
  • Origanum vulgare has a lightly sedative effect which improves the quality of sleep.**
  • Milk thistle supports liver health, contributes to the detoxifying potential of the liver and helps to protect the liver which in turn maintain the liver function and addtionaly promote the digestion and the body´s purification***
  • Arctostaphylos increases the physiological resistance of the organism in case of severe ambiance conditions.#
  • Curcuma helps to manage anti-inflammatory responses in the body/helps to reduce inflammation in joints and muscles.##
  • Curcuma prevents the accumulation of fats and facilitates their destockage by the liver.###
  • Curcuma helps maintain the health of the liver.%
  • Curcuma helps to maintain the efficacy of the immune system. Helps to maintain resistance to allergies. Has significant antioxidant properties.%%
  • Piper nigrum supports appetite, digestion and absorption of nutrients. Helps to digest toxins.Helps in body weight control. (In small quantities in a polyherbal formula) increases the effectiveness of other herbal ingredients.%%%
  • Piper nigrum has significant antioxidant properties. Helps to maintain the integrity of the body by its antimicrobial and anti-parasitic effects and support for the immune system.$

*Health claim ID 2471 pending European approval.
**Health claim ID 2473 pending European approval.
***Health claim ID 4141 pending European approval.
#Health claim ID 3229 pending European approval.
##Health claim ID 2598 pending European approval.
###Health claim ID 2751 pending European approval.
%Health claim ID 3908 pending European approval.
%%Health claim ID 4009 pending European approval.
%%%Health claim ID 2109 pending European approval.
$Health claim ID 2115 pending European approval.

*Disclaimer: Our supplements are trusted and selected by practitioners. Legislation limits the information we can share. For complete details, please refer to a medical library.

Pairs well with
  • Klenz + - 90 capsule | VerVita

    £ 34.00

  • +
  • PEA + - 60 capsule | Enzyme Science

    £ 70.00

  • +
  • ViraCon | 120 Capsule | Vital Nutrients

    £ 54.00

All, for only: £ 158.00

In today's world, we're bombarded with toxins from all directions: the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even the thoughts we think. It's no wonder our bodies sometimes struggle to keep up with detoxifying all of this junk. That's where Klenz+ comes in. This powerhouse nutritional formula is what your body needs:

  • Choline contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism
  • Choline contributes to normal lipid metabolism
  • Choline contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function
  • Selenium contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
  • Selenium contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Origanum vulgare contains herbs with bile production and excretion promoting properties as well as inflammation and pain reducing properties.*
  • Origanum vulgare has a lightly sedative effect which improves the quality of sleep.**
  • Milk thistle supports liver health, contributes to the detoxifying potential of the liver and helps to protect the liver which in turn maintain the liver function and addtionaly promote the digestion and the body´s purification***
  • Arctostaphylos increases the physiological resistance of the organism in case of severe ambiance conditions.#
  • Curcuma helps to manage anti-inflammatory responses in the body/helps to reduce inflammation in joints and muscles.##
  • Curcuma prevents the accumulation of fats and facilitates their destockage by the liver.###
  • Curcuma helps maintain the health of the liver.%
  • Curcuma helps to maintain the efficacy of the immune system. Helps to maintain resistance to allergies. Has significant antioxidant properties.%%
  • Piper nigrum supports appetite, digestion and absorption of nutrients. Helps to digest toxins.Helps in body weight control. (In small quantities in a polyherbal formula) increases the effectiveness of other herbal ingredients.%%%
  • Piper nigrum has significant antioxidant properties. Helps to maintain the integrity of the body by its antimicrobial and anti-parasitic effects and support for the immune system.$

*Health claim ID 2471 pending European approval.
**Health claim ID 2473 pending European approval.
***Health claim ID 4141 pending European approval.
#Health claim ID 3229 pending European approval.
##Health claim ID 2598 pending European approval.
###Health claim ID 2751 pending European approval.
%Health claim ID 3908 pending European approval.
%%Health claim ID 4009 pending European approval.
%%%Health claim ID 2109 pending European approval.
$Health claim ID 2115 pending European approval.

*Disclaimer: Our supplements are trusted and selected by practitioners. Legislation limits the information we can share. For complete details, please refer to a medical library.

Informatii nutritionale: Supliment alimentar
Dimensiune portie: 3 capsule
Portii pe sticlă: 30
Cantitate per portie % Aport de referinta (AR)
Seleniu (sub forma de chelat de aminoacizi) 8 mcg 15%
Colina (sub forma de bitartarat) 120 mg 22%
Amestec patentat 1630 mg
raphanus sativus niger (spanish black radish) extract*, origanum vulgare (oregano) leaf extract*, alpha lipoic acid*, carduus marianus (milk thistle) seed extract*, olea europaea (olive) leaf extract*, L-carnitine tartrate*, L-methionine*, resveratrol*, coriandrum sativum (cilantro) leaf extract*, arctostaphylos uva ursi (uva ursi) leaf extract 4:1*, curcuma longa (turmeric) root extract*, petroselinum crispum (parsley) leaf extract*, piper nigrum (black pepper) fruit extract (piperine)*, citrus limon (lemon) peel oil*, cymbopogon schoenanthus (lemongrass) oil*
† Aportul de referinta nu a fost stabilit.


Seleniu, Cholina, Amestec patentat, magneziu (sub forma de chelat de aminoacizi), gelatina (capsula)


  • Daca sunteti insarcinata sau alaptati, consultati-va cu profesionistul dumneavoastra in domeniul sanatatii pentru a determina daca Klenz+ este potrivit pentru dumneavoastra.
  • Klenz+ este considerat sigur pentru copiii cu varsta peste 8 ani.
  • Pentru copiii sub 8 ani, consultati-va cu profesionistul lor in domeniul sanatatii.

*O dietă variată, echilibrată și un stil de viață sănătos sunt importante, suplimentele alimentare nu sunt un substitut pentru o dietă variată.

*Doza zilnică recomandată nu trebuie depășită.

*A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor.

General recommendation is 1 capsule per 23kgs body weight.


Klenz + - 90 capsule | VerVita


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