Arthur Andrew Medical

FODMAP DPE (Digestive Probiotics & Enzymes) - 60 Capsules | Arthur Andrew Medical

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Arthur Andrew Medical

FODMAP DPE (Digestive Probiotics & Enzymes) - 60 Capsules | Arthur Andrew Medical

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Key Features:

  • IconFODMAP DPE suportă digestia mai ușoară pentru persoanele sensibile la FODMAP.
  • IconLărgește opțiunile alimentare, reducând gazele și balonarea ocazională.
  • IconÎi ajută pe vegetarieni/vegani să absoarbă nutrienții din plante.
  • IconAjută iubitorii de mâncare să se bucure de mese fără disconfort.
  • IconReduce îngrijorarea legată de alimente, promovând o alimentație plăcută.


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Helps to control the occasional distress that comes with enjoying FODMAP-containing foods for those with sensitivities.

If you suffer from occasional bouts of bloating, belching, discomfort or even diarrhoea following meals, you may be sensitive to common sugars that easily ferment in the digestive system. These sugars are referred to as FODMAPs. The simplest solution would be to eliminate these foods from your diet, but any type of elimination diet can be difficult. In fact, completely eliminating FODMAPs is likely impossible, or at least improbable to accomplish while maintaining a well-balanced diet. FODMAPs are typically found in some of the most nutritious fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Fortunately, FODMAP DPE was created to eliminate the worry of whether or not a meal may result in distress.

FODMAP DPE (Digestive Probiotics and Enzymes) is a blend of specialized enzymes and spore-forming probiotics that assists the body in properly digesting highly fermentable foods, commonly known as FODMAPs.

Pairs well with
  • FODMAP DPE (Digestive Probiotics & Enzymes) - 60 Capsules | Arthur Andrew Medical

    £ 42.00

  • +
  • Anti-Aging Plus | Plasture topic 30 zile | 30 Plasturi | PatchMD

    £ 22.00

  • +
  • Digestie completă - 90 de capsule | Enzyme Science

    £ 55.00

All, for only: £ 119.00

Helps to control the occasional distress that comes with enjoying FODMAP-containing foods for those with sensitivities.

If you suffer from occasional bouts of bloating, belching, discomfort or even diarrhoea following meals, you may be sensitive to common sugars that easily ferment in the digestive system. These sugars are referred to as FODMAPs. The simplest solution would be to eliminate these foods from your diet, but any type of elimination diet can be difficult. In fact, completely eliminating FODMAPs is likely impossible, or at least improbable to accomplish while maintaining a well-balanced diet. FODMAPs are typically found in some of the most nutritious fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Fortunately, FODMAP DPE was created to eliminate the worry of whether or not a meal may result in distress.

FODMAP DPE (Digestive Probiotics and Enzymes) is a blend of specialized enzymes and spore-forming probiotics that assists the body in properly digesting highly fermentable foods, commonly known as FODMAPs.

Informații nutriționale: Supliment alimentar
Dimensiune porție: 2 capsule
Porții pe recipient: 30
  &Circ; %RI

Amestec de enzime FODMAP DPE proprietar

Amilază, Maltază, Celulază, Alfa Galactozidază, Glucoamilază, Hemicelulază, Invertază, Xilanază, Lactază, Pectinază, Diastază, Beta Glucanază.

532 mg


Amestec de microfloră sporă digestivă (2 miliarde UFC)

Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus clausii

40 mg *
* Doza de referință nu este stabilită.

Ingrediente: Amestec de enzime FODMAP DPE proprietar, Amestec de microfloră sporă digestivă, Celuloză (capsule vegetariene).

Știi deja că ai o sensibilitate la FODMAP? Persoanele care suferă de sensibilitate la FODMAP nu pot consuma anumite alimente care conțin fie un anumit zahăr/carbohidrat sau mai mulți dintre aceștia fără a experimenta disconfort gastric.

Similar cu cei care suferă de intoleranță la lactoză (un FODMAP comun) și pot consuma leveluri limitate de lactate luând enzima lactază, cei cu sensibilități la FODMAP pot beneficia în mare măsură de adăugarea unei enzime digestive puternice precum FODMAP DPE.

Cei cu sensibilități severe sau chiar moderate la FODMAP obișnuiesc să își pregătească mesele acasă în loc să iasă pentru a preveni riscul ingerării accidental de alimente cu conținut ridicat de FODMAP precum usturoiul și ceapa. Din păcate, evitarea tuturor alimentelor cu conținut ridicat de FODMAP este aproape imposibilă, mai ales când mănânci în oraș. Acest lucru face ca enzimele digestive precum FODMAP DPE să fie un partener vital în protejarea ta de disconfortul cauzat de expunerea accidentală la FODMAP.

Uită de griji, achiziționează FODMAP DPE astăzi și bucură-te din nou de mâncare.

*A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important, dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet.

*The recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded.

*Keep out of reach of children.

Take FODMAP DPE with 8 oz of water at the beginning of each FODMAP containing meal, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Additional capsules may be taken for larger meals or during periods of occasional discomfort.

1 to 2 capsules per meal.


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