ViraCon este o combinatie puternica de extracte din plante care imbunatatesc imunitatea, cu ajutorul fructelor de soc, o sursa bogata de flavonoide antioxidante. Amestecul unic de extracte botanice Viracon, Berberina si 7,5 mg de zinc pe portie actioneaza sinergic pentru a sustine apararea naturala a organismului, ajutand la cresterea productiei de citokine si a altor factori imunitari importanti. Aceasta formula vegetariana blanda ajuta, de asemenea, la promovarea functiei respiratorii normale si a energiei si este o necesitate pentru casa fiecaruia in perioadele de provocari sezoniere.
Sunătoare - 60 de capsule | Gaia Herbs
Research has shown that St. John’s Wort extract may support positive emotional health. Each daily serving of Gaia Herbs’ fresh St. John’s Wort flowering buds delivers 1,350 mg of concentrated extract, with 2.7 mg of Hypericins
Hypericum perforatum helps improve the overall health and appearance of the skinHealth claim ID 2271 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum helps to support the digestion and contributes to the function of intestinal tractHealth claim ID 2270 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum contributes to optimal relaxation and emotional balance, helps to maintain a healthy sleep and a positive mood.Health claim ID 3860 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum contributes to an appropriate and easy respiration and is supportive and soothing in case of tickle in the throatHealth claim ID 2272 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum is a generally restorative product for those who wish to suppress the addiction, including smoking addiction and for the maintenance of body’s functions — strengthens the immunity, improves the state of cardiovascular system, tones up the body, stimulates mental work capacities, increases body’s adaptation in extreme and stressful situations, contains herbs with body strengthening, restorative, sweat-promoting, body strengthening and purifying propertiesHealth claim ID 2454 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum promotes the normal production of bile and increases the bile flowHealth claim ID 4420 pending European approval.
Hypericum helps to maintain emotional balance and a balanced positive moodHealth claim ID 3596 pending European approval
Hypericum contributes to emotional balance and generalwelbeing, helps tosupport the relaxation and mental and physical wel being, helps to maintain a healthy sleep and helps maintain apositive moodHealth claim ID 4065 pending European approval.
*Disclaimer: Our supplements are trusted and selected by practitioners. Legislation limits the information we can share. For complete details, please refer to a medical library.