Als je gaat winkelen is het logisch om te zoeken naar goede dealsom zo geld te kunnen besparen. Als je op zoek bent naar de juiste supplementenen vitamines, is het goed om te weten dat deze op verschillende manieren wordengeproduceerd. De prijzen weerspiegelen dit! Dus waarom zijn sommige vitaminesduurder dan andere? De termen, vitamines en supplementen zijn niet precieshetzelfde. Simpel gezegd: supplementen zijn elk product dat voeding aan jedieet toevoegt, terwijl vitamines een specifiek type supplement zijn. Vulstoffen en andere onnodige ingrediënten zijn te vinden ingoedkopere vitamines en supplementen op de markt. Met dit in gedachten hebben we drie dingen uitgelicht die jein de gaten moet houden voor de volgende keer dat je vitamines of supplementengaat kopen. We zullen ook bekijken waarom sommige vitamines duurder zijn danandere. Vitamines en supplement van hogere kwaliteit hebben vaak een GMP-certificering (Good Manufacturing Practice) Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is eenproductienorm waaraan alle farmaceutische bedrijven zich moeten houden. Bij hetzoeken naar hoogwaardige vitamines en supplementen is dit een belangrijk puntom naar te kijken. Alle merken die Supplement Hub verkoopt, zijnGMP-gecertificeerd. Dit betekent dat al onze producten zijn vervaardigd volgensde hoogste productienormen. Tijdens het productieproces wordt elk productgetest en gecontroleerd op kwaliteit. GMP staat om één belangrijke reden bovenaan deze lijst.GMP-certificering zorgt ervoor dat alle andere punten die in deze blog wordenbesproken, in overweging zijn genomen. Vitamines en supplementen van hogere kwaliteit bevatten gekwalificeerde, superieure grondstoffen The less processed vitamins and supplements are, like the food we eat, the better they are for our bodies. Natural ingredients are more expensive due to the work involved in growing, harvesting, and processing them. Because they need less time to produce, synthetic ingredients are less expensive to mass-produce. Look for vitamins that are derived from natural sources rather than synthetic ones. While synthetic nutrients are less expensive, how well they are absorbed in the body is unknown. Ingredients that resemble natural nutrients are more likely to provide you with health benefits. One of our functional nutritional therapists recently worked with a woman who had been told by her doctor that she was vitamin B12 deficient. She went to a high-street store and bought a B12 supplement, but she felt worse, not better. He discovered a high number of fillers and binding agents in the supplement she was taking when he examined it. These are frequently the source of negative reactions. He also observed that cyanocobalamin was in the supplement. This is a type of B12 that is often poorly absorbed. Also, the dose she was taking wasn't large enough or in an easily absorbed form (a tablet). He switched her to Seeking Health's Active B12 1000 lozenges right away. These contain an active and well-researched methylated form of B12, have few fillers, and are all-natural. The dosage was double what she had taken before. Higher-quality vitamins and supplements are often tested independently When looking for high-quality vitamins and supplements, extensive testing is critical. You want to know that whatever vitamin you're taking has been tested by independent laboratories using valid methods and ethical laboratory practices. Unspecified materials, heavy metals, pesticides, and microbiological organisms are all tested and monitored in all GMP certified vitamins and supplements. Many supplement and vitamin manufacturers use “skip lot testing” to save time, effort, and money. As a result, only a small percentage of products are inspected. While skip lot testing is helpful for manufacturers, it may allow contamination to slip through the cracks. Thanks to our Every Batch Policy, our brands at Supplement Hub go above and beyond. Ensuring their supplements and vitamins are tested with each batch of every ingredient and, of course, every final product. This means that when you buy from us, you know you're getting the best. Each of our products has been vetted by our Founder, David Brassey. Get in touch We hope this blog has helped you understand why some supplements and vitamins are more expensive than others. If you have any questions about the content in this blog or would like help or advice on any of the products mentioned in the blog post, please email or... …message us via our Live Chat feature to speak to one of our practitioners (available Monday to Thursday, 10 - 4 pm GMT). Supplement Hub only offers the very highest quality products that are proven to work. Don’t take our word for it; check out our TrustPilot page to see what our customers have to say about us.