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Seeking Health

Optimal Iron WIth Cofactors - 90 Capsules | Seeking Health

Optimal Iron with Cofactors provides a well-tolerated form of iron with nutrients that support healthy iron metabolism and utilisation.

• Can help support healthy red blood cell formation

• Gentle on the stomach and well tolerated

• With targeted nutrients that support iron absorption

• Contains betaine HCl and lipase to improve stomach acid levels and enhance iron absorption

• Supports energy metabolism

• Can help relieve fatigue and apathetic moods

A standalone iron supplement is not always beneficial as it can be difficult for the body to absorb and utilise. The form of iron used in this formula is Ferrochel® Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate, a patented form that is gentle on the stomach and well tolerated by those sensitive to iron supplementation. This supplement also includes vitamins and minerals as cofactors needed for absorption of iron. It contains Vitamin C, and Vitamin A to support absorption, as well as betaine HCL and lipase to improve stomach acid levels, as low stomach acid can reduce iron absorption.

Suggested use is 1 capsule in the morning.

27,00 US$
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