Acondicionador y Humectante de Aceite Natural Euro - 120ml | Morrocco Method
Euro Natural Oil is perfect for deep conditioning your hair and scalp. Oil treatments have been practiced around the world for thousands of years as a proven, holistic regimen for improving scalp and hair health. Blending organic oils of almond, avocado, jojoba, and more, Morrocco Method Euro Oil is a unique treatment that works to stimulate the sebaceous glands and restore the natural pH balance of your scalp.
The pure oils enhancing this treatment are blended and bottled holistically to maximize its energy and natural vitality. This natural conditioner is raw and filled with the most pure, hand-picked ingredients, making it great for all hair types.
All of our natural conditioners are raw, vegan, paleo, sulfate-free, and gluten-free.
Barra de champú - 164g | Morrocco Method
Our shampoo bar is handcrafted to leave your hair moisturized and shiny, no matter what your hair type. Shea Butter moisturizes the hair as olive oil conditions it. Coconut oil is the main cleanser, one that will not strip your hair of essential oils. French green clay detoxifies the scalp of impurities. Lavender extract and rosemary oil add a light fragrance and sheen. Castor oil stimulates the scalp, eases inflammation and dandruff, has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, and promotes hair growth by increasing the circulation.
We recommend using the Shampoo Bar in rotation with our 5 Elements Shampoo Collection.
Champú Esencia del Mar - 473ml | Morrocco Method
Sea Essence Shampoo está formulado a partir de una mezcla única de nori, kombu y proteínas marinas para limpiar y acondicionar naturalmente tu cabello y cuero cabelludo. Este champú utiliza espirulina rica en proteínas para ayudar a promover el crecimiento del cabello y silicio natural para ayudar a mejorar y restaurar el brillo natural y lustre de tu cabello.
Representando el elemento Agua, este champú libre de sulfatos es el más acondicionador y humectante de todos los 5 champús de MM y es perfecto para personas con tipos de cabello normales a secos. Para obtener los mejores resultados, recomendamos rotar todos los 5 champús.
Todos nuestros champús naturales son crudos, veganos, paleo, libres de sulfatos, sin gluten y no producen espuma.