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Quicksilver Scientific

Ultra Energy - 50ml | Quicksilver Scientific

Ultra Energy by Quicksilver Scientific is a blend of adaptogenic herbs. Adaptogenic herbs have been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

  • Herbs are encapsulated in tiny, highly absorbable liposomes. The result is an adaptogenic tonic that offers rapid uptake and equal or greater potency than standard dry herbs or tinctures
  • Gymnostemma is useful in low immunity states and for body resistance enhancement especially in tiredness and in bacterial infections of the digestive tract.*
  • Rhodiola helps organism to adapt for emotional stress, physical effort, helps to stimulate the nervous system, has beneficial effect in fatigue and headaches induced by stress, beneficial for the sleep difficulties, poor appetite, decline in work performance, improve state of mind, helps to support potency and has beneficial effect on cardiovascular system because it helps to protect against stress and hypertension.**
  • Ashwagandha supports in periods of mental and nervous tension and of anxiousness, contributes to optimal relaxation, helps to support relaxation and mental and physical wellbeing and contributes to emotional balance and general wellbeing #
  • Ashwagandha has adaptogenic properties##

*Health claim ID 4411 pending European approval.

**Health claim ID 2659 pending European approval.

#Health claim ID 2183 pending European approval.

##Health claim ID 3251 pending European approval.

More information about this product

Unfortunately, due to legislation concerning supplements, we are not allowed to provide (complete) information about this product. For more information we refer you to a library of medicine

70,00 US$
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