Nighttime Drops - 30ml | Blooming Blends
Nighttime Drops - 30ml | Blooming Blends
Nighttime Drops - 30ml | Blooming Blends
Nighttime Drops - 30ml | Blooming Blends
Blooming Blends Nighttime Drops - 30ml | Blooming Blends
Prepare for your best night’s rest with this relaxing herbal tincture blend of traditional herbs and plants extracted in an alcohol-free formulation to help you find a peaceful night.Blended with supportive adaptogens, these herbs may help to release daily fatigue and help you find a restorative rest.


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Una mezcla pura y activa de glicerina vegetal, paja de avena, pasiflora, hierba gatera, manzanilla, lavanda y ashwagandha.
<div><b>Precaución:</b></div><div>Por favor no lo tome si está embarazada o amamantando. Si está tomando algún medicamento o está bajo supervisión médica, consulte a un profesional de la salud antes de usarlo.</div>
<p>Just before you go to sleep, take a full pipette (30 drops) directly under the tongue or drop into liquid.</p><p>Keep by your bedside for ease.</p><p>Do not exceed the recommended daily amount.</p>

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