Omega-3 fedtsyrer fra fiskeolie til støtte for hjerte-kar-, led- og hjernesundhed.
Thorne's Super EPA giver den reneste fiskeolie af højeste kvalitet, der fås fra bæredygtigt opdrættede koldtvandsfisk. Super EPA indeholder to vitale omega-3 fedtsyrer - EPA og DHA - som er vigtige i hele voksenlivet samt i perioder med øget hjernevækst, der kendetegner prænatal og postnatal udvikling.
O.N.E. Omega - 30 Capsules | Pure Encapsulations
O.N.E. Omega provides 1,000 mg triglyceride-form EPA and DHA in each soft gel making it one of the highest strength fish oils available. High potency formulation means fewer capsules are required. Features ultra-pure, molecularly distilled fish oil concentrate that contains well below the strict limits for environmental contaminants (heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and furans), microbial contaminants, and oxidation and rancidity. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision and brain function. EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart.
Organic Pure Whey - 650g | NoordCode
NoordCode Pure Whey is organically produced, pure whey protein concentrate. The milk comes from grass-fed cows grazing in the Alps. 80% protein. For muscle maintenance, growth and recovery.
Grass-fed, free-grazing cows from the Alps The milk for NoordCode Pure Whey comes from cows that graze in the Alps. The cows eat only grass or grass products from pastures that have never been exposed to pesticides. They are raised according to organic guidelines and receive no hormones or antibiotics. As a result, the milk is of the highest quality.
Only whey protein, with no additives or flavours Pure Whey contains only whey protein concentrate, as the name says. It contains no flavours or other additives. This makes it a versatile product that you can use in whatever way you like.
Soft processing without irradiation NoordCode Pure Whey is prepared using gentle heating without irradiation. This keeps as much protein as possible intact while making the whey protein concentrate food-safe.