Quercetin Synergy 500 contains 500 mg of quercetin and 250 mg of Vitamin C as well as manganese, bromelain, turmeric, and citrus bioflavonoids. This formula is intended to support mast cells which, when degranulated, release histamine. It is an ideal option for seasonal support.
Liposomal Vitamin C Plus | 150ml | Seeking Health
Indeholder 1000 mg C vitamin (fra Skotland) sammen med bioflavonoider og hybenekstrakt i en lækker liposomal flydende form
Understøtter immunsystemet, bindevæv og hud samt genanvendelse af glutathion
Hjælper med at lave kollagen, et protein, der er nødvendigt for sund hud og normale sårhelingsprocesser
Seeking Health er et amerikansk firma med base i Bellingham, WA, der leverer probiotika, kosttilskud og multivitamintilskud af høj kvalitet.
Produkter af høj kvalitet
Fri for gluten, bindemidler, tilsætningsstoffer, kunstige ingredienser eller kemikalier
De fleste produkter er fri for mælk, æg, fisk, skaldyr, trænødder, jordnødder, gluten, majs, gær og soja
De fleste produkter er fri for magnesiumstearat
De fleste produkter er ikke-GMO
Fremstillet i et GMP-anlæg
Baseret på videnskabelig forskning
Butyrate Calcium Magnesium - 250 Capsules | Body Bio
Butyrate: Your #1 Gut Postbiotic
Which Butyrate is right for me? *Calcium Magnesium
Calcium Magnesium Butyrate includes two important minerals - magnesium contributes to electrolyte balance, to normal functioning of the nervous system, to normal energy-yielding metabolism, to normal muscle function, to normal protein synthesis, to the maintenance of normal teeth and bones and has a role in the process of cell division.* Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is involved in making strong bones, nerve to nerve communication, muscle contraction, and activating blood clotting factors.*
*Disclaimer: Our supplements are trusted and selected by practitioners. Legislation limits the information we can share. For complete details, please refer to a medical library.