Sort Spidskommen Frø Olie | 60 softgels | Life Extension
Når vi bliver ældre, bliver en afbalanceret immun- og inflammatorisk reaktion afgørende for at beskytte vores helbred. Forskning har vist, at sort spidskommenolie er særlig effektiv. Forskere har fastslået, at sort spidskommenfrø indeholder et bredt spektrum af aktive forbindelser. Når de kombineres, giver de en kraftig og omfattende immunforsvar og hjælper med inflammation. Sort spidskommenfrøolie har vist sig at støtte den normale effektivitet af en række biologiske faktorer, der er involveret i inflammation.
Et aldrende sundt immunsystem skal orkestrere aktiviteten af makrofager og hjælpe-T-celler. Sort spidskommenolie har også vist sig at støtte den optimale funktion af denne livsvigtige defensive aktivitet. Ved at virke på både immun- og inflammatoriske faktorer støtter sort spidskommenfrøolie et sundt immunsystem, der er så vigtigt i vores ældre år, og fremmer et sundt inflammatorisk respons.
Trifal - 90 Capsules | Ayush Herbs
TRIFAL™ is a combination of three herbs – Terminalia chebula (Haritaki), Terminalia belerica (Bahera), and Emblica officinalis (AMLAOXY®). This combination is referred to in almost every Ayurvedic textbook and is considered to be adaptogenic. This combination has synergistic action, and provides digestive and elimination support. *
*Disclaimer: We provide only high-quality, practitioner-approved supplements. Legal restrictions prevent full disclosure of product potency and effectiveness. For more information, please refer to a medical library.
Fish Oil+ - 60 Softgels | Body Bio
Fish Oil+ combines a phospholipid-based 3:1 DHA/EPA essential fatty acids with caviar extract, a completely natural, whole-food source of SPMs. This unique combination provides a powerful (and highly bioavailable) effect throughout the body.
DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
Choline contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism, lipid metabolism and to the maintenance of normal liver function.
*Disclaimer: Our supplements are trusted and selected by practitioners. Legislation limits the information we can share. For complete details, please refer to a medical library.