Dr. Shade's Ultra Energy | 50ml | Quicksilver Scientific
Dr. Shade's Ultra Energy | 50ml | Quicksilver Scientific
Dr. Shade's Ultra Energy | 50ml | Quicksilver Scientific
Dr. Shade's Ultra Energy | 50ml | Quicksilver Scientific
Quicksilver Scientific Dr. Shade's Ultra Energy | 50ml | Quicksilver Scientific
Dr Shade's Ultra Energy fra Quicksilver Scientific er en blanding af adaptogene urter, der hjælper med at støtte og øge energiniveauet hos både mænd og kvinder. Adaptogene urter kan hjælpe kroppen til bedre at klare stress og er blevet brugt i både ayurvedisk og kinesisk medicin i tusindvis af år. - Hjælper med at støtte energiproduktionen - Kan hjælpe med at reducere træthed og udmattelse - Kan forbedre koncentrationen og den mentale ydeevne - Kan støtte forbedret søvn - Kan bidrage til at fremme afslapning og bedre håndtering af stress - Liposomal formel, for hurtig og overlegen absorption Ultra Energy er en blanding af 13 urter, der er kendt som adaptogener. Adaptogene urter kan støtte binyrernes sundhed og hjælpe kroppen med at håndtere stress bedre og fremme en mere afbalanceret reaktion i perioder med stress. Denne blanding kan hjælpe med at regulere kroppens produktion af stresshormonet kortisol. Cortisol stiger, når vi er i en tilstand af kamp eller flugt, hvilket, når det er for højt, sætter kroppen i en konstant tilstand af stress og kan påvirke søvn/vågnecyklusen. Den indeholder urter, der støtter energiniveauet hos både mænd og kvinder. Det kommer i en meget absorberbar, liposomal form. Foreslået brug er 2 pumper to gange dagligt.


+3 more

<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td colspan="3"><strong>Nutritional Information: Food supplement, Kruiden</strong></td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td colspan="3"><strong>Serving Size:</strong> 1 ml. (2 Pumps)</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td colspan="3"><strong>Servings Per Container:</strong> 50</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td width="70%">&nbsp;</td> <td width="15%">Amount Per Serving</td> <td width="15%">% Reference Intake</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>SunHorse Proprietary Adaptogenic Liquid Herbal Blend:</strong></td> <td>400 mg</td> <td>†</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td colspan="3">Acai Berry, Gynostemma rhizome (Jiaogulan), Goji berry, Maca root, American Ginseng root, Schisandra fruit, Chinese Licorice root, Rhodiola root, Astragalus root, Reishi fruiting body, Catuaba Bark, Guarana seed, Ashwagandha root, Maple sap Syrup.</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td colspan="3">† Reference Intake not established.</td> </tr> </tbody></table><h3>Ingredients</h3><p><span style="letter-spacing: 0px;">Acai Berry, Gynostemma Rhizome (Jiaogulan), Goji Berry, Maca Root, American Ginseng Root, Schisandra Fruit, Chinese Licorice Root, Rhodiola Root, Astragalus Root, Reishi Fruiting Body, Catuaba Bark, Guarana Seed, Ashwagandha Root, Maple Sap Syrup,&nbsp;</span>Water, Ethanol, Glycerin, Highly Purified Phospholipids, Vitamin E (as Tocofersolan and Natural Mixed Tocopherols), Acacia Gum.</p>
<p>Quicksilver nutraceuticals utilize modern science to unleash the curative power of nature. With the world's most advanced phospholipid delivery systems, Quicksilver Scientific supplements nourish your cells as they deliver their core effective ingredients faster and more effectively.</p><p><strong>Warnings:</strong></p><ul> <li> <p>Once opened use within 60 days.</p></li> <li> <p>Do not purchase if outer seal is broken or damaged.</p> </li> <li> <p>If pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant, consult your physician before use.</p></li></ul>
<p>Take 2 pumps twice daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. May be mixed into water. Take an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. Once opened use within 60 days.<br></p>

The product is free from:

Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Lupin,Milk,Molluscs,Mustard,Peanuts,Sesame Seeds,Soybeans,Sulphur Dioxide,Tree Nuts,Celery

The product is suitable for:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO,Vegans,Vegetarians