Meld dig ind i klubben!
Bliv medlem af klubben og optjen point ved hvert køb. Du kan bytte dem til eksklusive belønninger!
    Opret en konto og optjen 50 point.
  2. OPtjen POINT
    Optjen point hver gang du bestiller på vores side.
    Brug dine point til at drage fordel af eksklusive fordele.
Sådan bruger du dine point
20 point er lig med 1 €
Det er nemt at indløse dine point! Bare klik på Indløs mine point, og vælg en kvalificeret belønning.
5 € Fra
100 point
10 € Fra
200 point
15 € Fra
300 point
Wellness Klubben
  • Wellness Member
    • 1x Point multiplikator
    • 100 Points fødselsdagsbelønning
  • Wellness Enthusiast
    • 1,25x Point multiplikator
    • 150 Points fødselsdagsbelønning
    • Indgangsbelønning på 50 point
  • Wellness Ambassador
    • 1,5x Point multiplikator
    • 200 Points fødselsdagsbelønning
    • 100 point indgangsbelønning


The Wellness Club is our exclusive loyalty program that rewards you for your engagement with Supplement Hub. Joining is completely free—just log in to your Supplement Hub account to start earning points every time you shop, refer friends, or interact with us on social media.

You can earn points in several ways:

  • Sign up: Create an account and receive 50 points.
  • Shopping: Earn points for every euro spent, based on your loyalty tier.
  • Referrals: Gain 200 points for every successful referral.
  • Birthday Rewards: Share your birthday details to earn points, depending on your tier.
  • Follow on Instagram: Get 5 points.
  • Share on Facebook: Receive 5 points.
  • Tier Upgrades: Earn bonus points when you reach a higher loyalty tier.

Redeeming your points is simple: during checkout, you can use your points if eligible. Redemption options include:

  • 100 points for €5 off,
  • 200 points for €10 off, and
  • 300 points for €15 off.

Only one coupon can be applied per order.

If you return an order, the points redeemed for that purchase will be returned to your loyalty account. For partial returns, points are refunded proportionally. Additionally, points earned for returned purchases will be deducted from your account.

Yes, points expire one year after they are earned, so be sure to use them before they disappear.

Your loyalty tier is determined by your total spending over the past 12 months:

  • Wellness Member: €0–€299 spent,
  • Wellness Enthusiast: €300–€499 spent,
  • Wellness Ambassador: €500+ spent.

Tiers are updated 15 days after your most recent purchase.

When you move up to Wellness Enthusiast or Ambassador status, you’ll retain that tier for a full year. To maintain your level—or move up—continue shopping or engaging with Supplement Hub.

To receive birthday points, make sure to register your birthday at least 30 days in advance. If your birthday falls within the 30-day period after registering, your bonus will be credited 30 days after your registration. This one-time delay applies only in the first year of membership.

For any questions or assistance with the Wellness Club, contact us at, and we’ll be happy to assist!