Reishi, also known as "the mushroom of immortality," was first used by Chinese physicians for over 2,000 years. They believed that Reishi had a potent anti-aging effect and to these people, Reishi symbolized happiness, healing and well-being. Reishi is still used by herbalists in Asia and use among western naturopaths is growing! The Reishi liquid extracts contain no less than 30% polysaccharides! To make the countless healthy substances from Reishi available to you, and to preserve the full spectrum of ingredients, we use (just as we do for all our mushrooms) a high-tech, 3-way extraction procedure. Part of this procedure is an ultrasound frequency extraction technique. As a result, the full spectrum of vital substances from the Reishi is present in the Foodsporen extracts.
*Foodsporen only uses the fruiting bodies for each of its products. The products do not contain fillers, or mycelium on grain. The Reishi liquid extract has a high concentration ratio of 12:1.
Triphala | 500mg | 120 Tabletter | NOW Foods
Indeholder tre frugter (Harada, Amla og Behada), der er blevet brugt i ayurvedisk urtekunst
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