Euro Natural Oil is perfect for deep conditioning your hair and scalp. Oil treatments have been practiced around the world for thousands of years as a proven, holistic regimen for improving scalp and hair health. Blending organic oils of almond, avocado, jojoba, and more, Morrocco Method Euro Oil is a unique treatment that works to stimulate the sebaceous glands and restore the natural pH balance of your scalp.
The pure oils enhancing this treatment are blended and bottled holistically to maximize its energy and natural vitality. This natural conditioner is raw and filled with the most pure, hand-picked ingredients, making it great for all hair types.
All of our natural conditioners are raw, vegan, paleo, sulfate-free, and gluten-free.
珍珠精華潤髮乳 - 60毫升 | Morrocco Method
Pearl Essence Creme Rinse 是一種柔軟、滋潤、去糾結且可沖洗的護髮素。此護髮素能通過平衡您的頭皮pH值和為您的頭髮提供活性、滋潤的營養來消除極度乾燥的頭髮。帶有廣藿香和薰衣草香氣,此可沖洗的滋養護髮素讓頭髮感覺絲滑,散發迷人香氣。