FODMAP DPE (Digestive Probiotics & Enzymes) - 60 Capsules | Arthur Andrew Medical
Helps to control the occasional distress that comes with enjoying FODMAP-containing foods for those with sensitivities.
If you suffer from occasional bouts of bloating, belching, discomfort or even diarrhoea following meals, you may be sensitive to common sugars that easily ferment in the digestive system. These sugars are referred to as FODMAPs. The simplest solution would be to eliminate these foods from your diet, but any type of elimination diet can be difficult. In fact, completely eliminating FODMAPs is likely impossible, or at least improbable to accomplish while maintaining a well-balanced diet. FODMAPs are typically found in some of the most nutritious fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Fortunately, FODMAP DPE was created to eliminate the worry of whether or not a meal may result in distress.
FODMAP DPE (Digestive Probiotics and Enzymes) is a blend of specialized enzymes and spore-forming probiotics that assists the body in properly digesting highly fermentable foods, commonly known as FODMAPs.
Anti-Aging Plus | Plasture topic 30 zile | 30 Plasturi | PatchMD
Anti-Aging Plus Topical Patch contine toti compusii necesari pentru a ajuta la combaterea semnelor de imbatranire. Prin includerea polifenolilor, antioxidantilor si vitaminelor, aceasta formula de specialitate poate ajuta la protejarea organismului dumneavoastra impotriva daunelor provocate de radicalii liberi care contribuie la imbatranire. Atunci cand organismul dumneavoastra nu poate detoxifica radicalii liberi si alte neplaceri suficient de repede, stresul oxidativ creste, ceea ce poate duce la oboseala, dureri musculare si articulare, scaderea vederii si chiar la cresterea ridurilor.
Contine polifenoli, care sunt anti-imbatranire
Contine resveratrol, care s-a constatat ca reduce tensiunea arteriala, echilibreaza nivelul colesterolului si favorizeaza longevitatea
Include antioxidanti care ar putea contribui la reducerea radicalilor liberi, ajutand la combaterea simptomelor imbatranirii
Poate contribui la prelungirea vederii, a functiilor cerebrale si cardiace
Poate contribui la stimularea sistemului imunitar
Se crede ca excesul de radicali liberi este unul dintre principalele motive care stau la baza imbatranirii. Patch MD a formulat un plasture care contine multi antioxidanti diferiti care pot stinge radicalii liberi si ajuta la reducerea efectelor daunatoare ale acestora asupra organismului.
Digestie completă - 90 de capsule | Enzyme Science
Did you know?
Hardy probiotic ATPro™ blend with 1 billion CFU per dose
*Disclaimer: Our supplements are trusted and selected by practitioners. Legislation limits the information we can share. For complete details, please refer to a medical library.