
Colagen complet, fără gust - 450g | NoordCode

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Complete Collagen Unflavored
Complete Collagen Unflavored
Complete Collagen Unflavored
Complete Collagen Unflavored
Complete Collagen Unflavored
Complete Collagen Unflavored
Complete Collagen Unflavored
Complete Collagen Unflavored


Colagen complet, fără gust - 450g | NoordCode

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Caracteristici cheie:

  • IconColagen din bovine hrănite cu iarbă, pește și cochilie de ou.
  • IconCu vitamina C pentru a susține producția de colagen.
  • IconCu glicină suplimentară pentru 7 g pe porție.


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Livrare gratuită disponibilă pentru comenzile de peste 125 EUR

NoordCode Complete Collagen with  a slightly sweet-sour flavour from the acerola and glycine contains 5 types of collagen from 3 sources of collagen hydrolysate. 

Type I collagen is the most abundant collagen in the body, found mainly in skin, hair, nails, bones and ligaments.
Type II collagen is mainly found in cartilage between joints.
Type III collagen is common along with type I in skin and blood vessels.
Type V collagen is found in the skin and placenta and co-occurs with type I.
Type X collagen is part of the bone and cartilage structure.

Collagen from the skin of grass-fed cattle

The basis of NoordCode Complete Collagen is grass-fed bovine collagen hydrolysate. This collagen hydrolysate is also available separately as NoordCode Pure Collagen. The collagen is derived from the skin, bones, tendons and joints of grass-fed, European cattle.

Naticol® Collagen and type II collagen from fish

Fish has a different amino acid profile to bovine collagen, making it a good addition to your collagen intake. Naticol® is a pure collagen hydrolysate made from fish skins left over after filleting. The fish skins come from sustainable, wild-caught fish and farmed fish, in order to use as many different sources as possible. Naticol thus takes a 'waste product' and turns it into a high-quality collagen hydrolysate. It is readily soluble in liquids.

Ovomet® collagen from eggshell membranes

The eggshell membrane is the thin membrane directly under the eggshell. This membrane contains not only collagen, but also elastin, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances are also common in our skin. Eggshell membrane is therefore a nice way to get these substances.
Ovomet® hydrolysed eggshell membrane is readily bioavailable, just like the bovine and fish collagen in NoordCode Complete Collagen.

Enzymatically produced collagen hydrolysate

NoordCode uses enzymatically produced collagen hydrolysate. This requires no heating or chemicals that could damage the protein.

125 g Vitamin C from Acerola berries

The body uses vitamin C in the production of collagen. NoordCode Complete Collagen therefore contains 125 mg of vitamin C from acerola berries per serving (15 g). Acerola berries are a natural source of vitamin C.
Vitamin C supports normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin, blood vessels, bones & cartilage, teeth & gums.

Pairs well with
  • Colagen complet, fără gust - 450g | NoordCode


  • +
  • Colagen Pur - 450g | NoordCode


  • +
  • Uva Ursi 500mg | 60 Capsule | Supreme Nutrition Products


All, for only: 131,23

NoordCode Complete Collagen with  a slightly sweet-sour flavour from the acerola and glycine contains 5 types of collagen from 3 sources of collagen hydrolysate. 

Type I collagen is the most abundant collagen in the body, found mainly in skin, hair, nails, bones and ligaments.
Type II collagen is mainly found in cartilage between joints.
Type III collagen is common along with type I in skin and blood vessels.
Type V collagen is found in the skin and placenta and co-occurs with type I.
Type X collagen is part of the bone and cartilage structure.

Collagen from the skin of grass-fed cattle

The basis of NoordCode Complete Collagen is grass-fed bovine collagen hydrolysate. This collagen hydrolysate is also available separately as NoordCode Pure Collagen. The collagen is derived from the skin, bones, tendons and joints of grass-fed, European cattle.

Naticol® Collagen and type II collagen from fish

Fish has a different amino acid profile to bovine collagen, making it a good addition to your collagen intake. Naticol® is a pure collagen hydrolysate made from fish skins left over after filleting. The fish skins come from sustainable, wild-caught fish and farmed fish, in order to use as many different sources as possible. Naticol thus takes a 'waste product' and turns it into a high-quality collagen hydrolysate. It is readily soluble in liquids.

Ovomet® collagen from eggshell membranes

The eggshell membrane is the thin membrane directly under the eggshell. This membrane contains not only collagen, but also elastin, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances are also common in our skin. Eggshell membrane is therefore a nice way to get these substances.
Ovomet® hydrolysed eggshell membrane is readily bioavailable, just like the bovine and fish collagen in NoordCode Complete Collagen.

Enzymatically produced collagen hydrolysate

NoordCode uses enzymatically produced collagen hydrolysate. This requires no heating or chemicals that could damage the protein.

125 g Vitamin C from Acerola berries

The body uses vitamin C in the production of collagen. NoordCode Complete Collagen therefore contains 125 mg of vitamin C from acerola berries per serving (15 g). Acerola berries are a natural source of vitamin C.
Vitamin C supports normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin, blood vessels, bones & cartilage, teeth & gums.

Informații Nutriționale: Supliment Alimentar, Proteine & Vitamine.
Doză Zilnică Per Capsulă % Doza Zilnică Recomandată
Colagen Bovin Hidrolizat
Colagen de Pește Hidrolizat (Naticol®)
Colagen Marin Tip II
Vitamina C (din Cireșe Acerola)
Membrană de Coajă de Ou Hidrolizată (Ovomet®)
† Doza Zilnică Recomandată nu este stabilită.


Colagen Bovin Hidrolizat, L-Glicină, Colagen de Pește Hidrolizat (Naticol®), Colagen Marin Tip II, Vitamina C (din Cireșe Acerola), Membrană de Coajă de Ou Hidrolizată (Ovomet®).

Informații Alergeni

Conține ouă, pește, dioxid de sulf și sulfiți în concentrații mai mari de 10 mg/kg sau 10 mg/litru exprimate ca SO2. Poate conține urme de nuci.

Conține ouă, pește, dioxid de sulf și sulfiți la concentrații de peste 10 mg/kg sau 10 mg/litru exprimate ca SO2. Poate conține urme de nuci.

*O dietă variată, echilibrată și un stil de viață sănătos sunt importante, suplimentele alimentare nu sunt un substitut pentru o dietă variată.

*Doza zilnică recomandată nu trebuie depășită.

*A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor.

Mix 1 scoop (15 g) into 100 or 200 mL liquid of choice.For example, mix with water and some lemon juice.Complete Collagen has a slightly sweet-sour flavour from the acerola and glycine. Combine with drinks or dishes where these flavours already occur or are a nice addition.

Complete Collagen Unflavored

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