Seeking Health

Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health

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Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health
Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health

Seeking Health

Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health

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Caracteristici cheie:

  • IconPoate ajuta la menținerea nivelurilor sănătoase de energie
  • IconPoate ajuta la susținerea unui răspuns sănătos la stres
  • IconPoate ajuta la susținerea unui sistem imunitar sănătos
    < li>Poate ajuta la susținerea sănătății suprarenale


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Livrare gratuită disponibilă pentru comenzile de peste 125 EUR

Adrenal Cortex provides 50 mg of high-quality adrenal cortex per capsule. The freeze-dried glandular tissue comes from grass-fed Argentinian cows free of synthetic hormones.

Adrenal Cortex by Seeking Health is a powerful adrenal support supplement. It provides support for healthy energy and a normal stress response for optimal well-being. This glandular adrenal supplement contains freeze-dried adrenal cortex. Freeze-drying preserves the freshness and biological activity of the hormone cortisol.

Stress, work, and constant caffeine are all stressors on your body. Over time, the ongoing stress can take a toll on your adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue or insufficiency is characterized by fatigue, cravings, and issues with sleep, digestion, weight loss, and blood pressure. These symptoms are triggered when your adrenal glands cannot produce enough of the stress hormone cortisol.

Adrenal Cortex promotes healthy adrenal function and balanced stress responses. It provides the nutrient building blocks for your adrenals to produce cortisol. Healthy cortisol levels support energy, alertness, immune system function, and glucose metabolism.

Pairs well with
  • Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health


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All, for only: 74,10

Adrenal Cortex provides 50 mg of high-quality adrenal cortex per capsule. The freeze-dried glandular tissue comes from grass-fed Argentinian cows free of synthetic hormones.

Adrenal Cortex by Seeking Health is a powerful adrenal support supplement. It provides support for healthy energy and a normal stress response for optimal well-being. This glandular adrenal supplement contains freeze-dried adrenal cortex. Freeze-drying preserves the freshness and biological activity of the hormone cortisol.

Stress, work, and constant caffeine are all stressors on your body. Over time, the ongoing stress can take a toll on your adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue or insufficiency is characterized by fatigue, cravings, and issues with sleep, digestion, weight loss, and blood pressure. These symptoms are triggered when your adrenal glands cannot produce enough of the stress hormone cortisol.

Adrenal Cortex promotes healthy adrenal function and balanced stress responses. It provides the nutrient building blocks for your adrenals to produce cortisol. Healthy cortisol levels support energy, alertness, immune system function, and glucose metabolism.

Informații Nutriționale: Supliment alimentar
Dimensiune porție: 1
Porții pe recipient: 60
  Cantitate per porție % Intake Referință
Substanță Cortex Adrenal (din bovine)(Argentina - Free Range)) 50 mg
† Referința de consum nu este stabilită.


Substanță Cortex Adrenal, Celuloză microcristalină, HPMC (capsulă), palmitat de ascorbil, siliciu, ulei de trigliceride cu lanț mediu.


  • Copiii și femeile însărcinate sau care alăptează ar trebui să consulte medicul înainte de utilizare.
  • Nu utilizați dacă sigiliul de protecție este deteriorat.
  • La fel ca în cazul oricărui extract glandular sau supliment, vă recomandăm să utilizați Adrenal Cortex doar atunci când este necesar și conform indicațiilor unui profesionist în domeniul sănătății.


  • Păstrați închis într-un loc răcoros și uscat, în afara ațingerii copiilor.

*O dietă variată, echilibrată și un stil de viață sănătos sunt importante, suplimentele alimentare nu sunt un substitut pentru o dietă variată.

*Doza zilnică recomandată nu trebuie depășită.

*A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor.

Take 1 capsule in the morning after breakfast or as directed by your healthcare professional. Do not take within 5 hours of going to bed.

Produsul nu conține:

Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Milk,Molluscs,Peanuts,Soybeans,Tree Nuts

Produsul este potrivit pentru:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO

Adrenal Cortex 50mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health

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