Biotic One NS - 35 g | Nature Science
Biotic One NS - 35 g | Nature Science
Nature Science Biotic One NS - 35 g | Nature Science
Contine o concentratie ridicata de tulpini bacteriene cu proprietati probiotice confirmate de Institutul de Cercetare Alimentara al Academiei Poloneze de Stiinte.


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<p>Amidon de porumb, bacterii lactice: Lactobacillus plantarum AMT4 minim (1×10 ^ 10 CFU / g), Lactobacillus plantarum AMT14 minim (5×10 ^ 9 CFU / g), Lactobacillus plantarum AMT14 minim (5×10 ^ 9 CFU / g), Lactobacillus plantarum AMT14 minimum 10 ^ 9 ufc / g), Bifidobacterium animalis AMT30 minim (5×10 ^ 9 ufc / g).</p>
<p>Suplimentele alimentare trebuie pastrate intr-un mod care nu este disponibil copiilor mici. A se pastra intr-un loc la temperatura intre 2-8 grade Celsius.</p>
<p>Dissolve the contents of the sachet in a small amount of non-hot liquid.. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.</p><p>The recommended daily portion – 5 g.</p>

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