Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500mg - 90 Capsules | Seeking Health
Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500mg - 90 Capsules | Seeking Health
Seeking Health Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500mg - 90 Capsules | Seeking Health
Carnitine speelt een unieke rol in het menselijk lichaam. Het is een sleutelelement in eiwitten dat lange-keten vetten naar de mitochondriën transporteert, waar ze worden omgezet in energie of ATP.De aanbevolen dosering is 1 capsule per dag, bij voorkeur buiten de maaltijden.


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<table align='center' border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'> <tbody> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><b>Voedingsinformatie: Voedingsupplementen</b></td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><strong>Portiegrootte: </strong>1</td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><strong>Porties Per Verpakking:</strong>&nbsp;90</td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td width='70%'>&nbsp;</td> <td width='15%'>Hoeveelheid Per Portie</td> <td width='15%'>%Referentie inname*</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Acetyl-L-Carnitine (als Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI)</td> <td>500 mg</td> <td>†</td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='3'>† Referentie-inname niet vastgesteld.</td> </tr> </tbody></table><h3>Ingrediënten</h3><p>HPMC (capsule), ascorbyl palmitaat, microkristallijne cellulose, middellangeketentriglycerideolie, en silica, Acetyl-L-Carnitine (als Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI).</p>
<p><strong>Warnings:</strong></p><ul> <li>Children and pregnant or lactating women should consult their healthcare practitioner prior to use.</li></ul><ul> <li>Do not use if tamper seal is damaged.</li></ul><ul> <li>Consult with a physician before use if you have a history of seizures or other medical condition(s).</li></ul><p><strong>Storage:</strong></p><ul> <li>Keep closed in a cool, dry place out of reach by children.</li></ul>
<p>Take 1 capsule daily with or without food or as directed by your healthcare professional. Do not take within 5 hours of bedtime as it may interfere with sleep.</p>

The product is free from:

Glutenbevattende granen, schaaldieren, eieren, vis, melk, weekdieren, pinda's, sojabonen, noten

The product is suitable for:

Glutenvrij, NIET-GMO, Veganisten, Vegetariërs