Primeadine® Original è un integratore di spermidina completamente a base vegetale progettato per promuovere un invecchiamento sano e stimolare il rinnovamento cellulare, in particolare l'autofagia. Ogni porzione contiene 1 mg della spermidina più pura e facilmente assorbibile estratta dal germe di grano giapponese concentrato e privato di grassi.
Quali sono i benefici?
Sonno più profondo e ristoratore
Capelli, pelle e unghie più forti e più sani
Elevata energia e vitalità
La spermidina interamente derivata dal cibo contenuta in Primeadine® Original è accompagnata da poliamine naturali come putrescina e spermina. Inoltre, l'integratore include una fibra prebiotica unica che supporta la produzione di spermidina nel tuo bioma intestinale. Questa combinazione di poliamine aggiuntive e fibra prebiotica forma un ciclo di riciclo benefico, aiutando il tuo corpo a generare più spermidina.
Per risultati ottimali, consigliamo di assumere Primeadine® costantemente per un minimo di 12 settimane per sperimentare appieno i suoi benefici. L'uso continuo è fondamentale per ottenere i migliori risultati.
Supplementi di Spermidina Senza Glutine Primeadine® GF - 60 compresse | Oxford Healthspan
Primeadine® GF è un integratore di spermidina completamente a base vegetale privo di glutine, proveniente e realizzato nelle isole della longevità di Okinawa, Giappone - una regione conosciuta per ospitare alcuni degli individui più longevi al mondo. Ogni porzione fornisce 1,2 mg della spermidina più pura e facilmente assorbita, insieme ad altri induttori dell'autofagia derivati da una miscela distintiva di chlorella di Okinawa, lime di Shikuwasa e curcuma.
Quali sono i benefici?
Sonno più profondo e riposante
Capelli, pelle e unghie più forti e più sani
Elevata energia e vitalità
Per coloro che sono sensibili al glutine o affetti da malattia celiaca ma che cercano comunque i benefici della spermidina di origine vegetale per la longevità, Primeadine® GF offre una soluzione ideale.
Per sperimentare appieno i benefici completi, raccomandiamo un uso costante di Primeadine® GF per un minimo di 12 settimane. I risultati più favorevoli sono osservati con un uso continuo e regolare.
Formula Giorno Menopausa - 60 Capsule | NaturoBest
NaturoBest's Menopause Day Formula has been formulated to provide support to women who are suffering symptoms of menopause. It is designed to be taken in the morning and in combination with NaturoBest Menopause Night Formula at night. This formula contains herbs traditionally used in Western herbal medicine. SheVari™ is standardised to contain 5% Shatavarin, the active constituent in Shatavari responsible for its many beneficial effects on hormone balance, cognition, mood and libido. In fact, the word Shatavari, in Sanskrit translates to "she who possesses a hundred husbands"! Red clover is a herb commonly prescribed to women during menopause. Menopause can be a stressful time for many women and their partners. Our formulation includes ingredients traditionally used in Western herbal medicine. Black cohosh is used traditionally in Western herbal medicine for both hot flushes during menopause and as a selective oestrogen receptor modulator. Saffron as the patented Affron® has shown positive results in many clinical trials, helping to relieve the symptoms of stress, tension and irritability.
Hypericum perforatum helps improve the overall health and appearance of the skinHealth claim ID 2271 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum helps to support the digestion and contributes to the function of intestinal tractHealth claim ID 2270 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum contributes to optimal relaxation and emotional balance, helps to maintain a healthy sleep and a positive mood.Health claim ID 3860 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum contributes to an appropriate and easy respiration and is supportive and soothing in case of tickle in the throatHealth claim ID 2272 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum is a generally restorative product for those who wish to suppress the addiction, including smoking addiction and for the maintenance of body’s functions — strengthens the immunity, improves the state of cardiovascular system, tones up the body, stimulates mental work capacities, increases body’s adaptation in extreme and stressful situations, contains herbs with body strengthening, restorative, sweat-promoting, body strengthening and purifying propertiesHealth claim ID 2454 pending European approval.
Hypericum perforatum promotes the normal production of bile and increases the bile flowHealth claim ID 4420 pending European approval.
Hypericum helps to maintain emotional balance and a balanced positive moodHealth claim ID 3596 pending European approval
Hypericum contributes to emotional balance and generalwelbeing, helps tosupport the relaxation and mental and physical wel being, helps to maintain a healthy sleep and helps maintain apositive moodHealth claim ID 4065 pending European approval.
Red Clover helps women coping with the telltale signs associated with menopause, such as hot flushes, sweating, restlessness and irritabilityHealth claim ID 4146 pending European approval.
Red Clover is for cardiovascular health, improves function of the heart, strengthens blood vessels, increases elasticity and strength of blood vessel and capillary walls, normalizes blood pressure Health claim ID 2496 pending European approval.
Red Clover is beneficial for firmness of bonesHealth claim ID 2679 pending European approval.
Rehmannia glutinosa contributes to a healthy blood pressureHealth claim ID 3533 pending European approval.
Shatavari helps to support digestion and digestive juice flow, contributes to the health of digestive tract and is stomach friendlyHealth claim ID 2180 pending European approval.
Asparagus racemosus might help to induce the symptoms before and after period, helps to regulate the menstrual cycles, helps to lower the syptoms related to climacterium and after hysterectomia, might help with the infertility problems.Health claim ID 21644 pending European approval.
Shatavari might help with the problems of mens' libido, is might be used for sexual debility and infertility of men, might help with early ejaculation, it might be effective by infections and inflammation of vesica.Health claim ID 21645 pending European approval.
Shatavari might have sedative effectsHealth claim ID 21646 pending European approval.
Shatavari is a nutritious food supplement to help maintain women's health and for use during menopause, it balances Vata and Pitta dosha and helps maintain a healthy flow of breast milk.Health claim ID 3252 pending European approval.
Shatavari is a uterine tonicHealth claim ID 3253 pending European approval.
Shatavari supports both male and female reproductive functionsHealth claim ID 3960 pending European approval.
Shatavari supports the health of the female reproductive system and helps to maintain balance in female physiology during and after menopauseHealth claim ID 3961 pending European approval.
Shatavari supports the onset of sleep, supports mental function, improves the body's resistance to stress and helps the body to deal with stressHealth claim ID 3963 pending European approval.
Shatavari supports the health of the circulatory system and the heart function.Health claim ID 3964 pending European approval.
Black cohosh is useful for a normal prostate function.Health claim ID 3317 pending European approval.
Black cohosh contributes to relieve the menopause symptoms.Health claim ID 3319 pending European approval.
Black cohosh helps women coping with the telltale signs associated with menopause, such as hot flushes, sweating, restlessness and irritabilityHealth claim ID 3745 pending European approval.
Black cohosh contributes to maintain good lymphatic flowHealth claim ID 4385 pending European approval.
Saffron contributes to emotional balance, helps to support the relaxation and maintain a positive mood.Health claim ID 2038 pending European approval.
Saffron helps to maintain good comfort before and during menstrual cycleHealth claim ID 2251 pending European approval.
Saffron stimulates the libido, improves erection, contributes to the increase of sperm volume and relaxes musclesHealth claim ID 2427 pending European approval.
Reformulation with SheVari™!
Formulated by a fertility naturopath and herbalist, NaturoBest's Menopause Day Formula offers benefits for women who are going through perimenopause or menopause. This formula should be taken during the day alongside Menopause Night Formula at night. What sets this formula apart from other brands, is our Shatavari as SheVari™. Other standard commercial Shatavari powders are inconsistent in their level of shatavarin, the active constituent responsible for the beneficial phytoestrogenic effects of Shatavari. SheVari™ contains 5% shatavarin. The herbs in this formula are used in traditional Western herbal medicine. May be taken alongside Prometrium (or other progesterone hormone therapy) or testosterone hormone replacement therapy. Check with your healthcare practitioner before combining with oestrogen replacement therapy. Always read the label and follow the directions for use.