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Seeking Health

Optimal CoQ10 100mg - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health

Optimal CoQ10 by Seeking Health is a bioavailable form of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) which is a powerful antioxidant that is beneficial for health. However levels decline with age, when it is needed most. It provides CoQ10 in a clinically studied, highly bioavailable form, HydroQSorb®.

  • May help to boost energy levels and reduce tiredness and fatigue
  • Supports the health of the mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of our body's cells
  • May help to support cell integrity and health
  • May be beneficial for cardiovascular health
  • May support health ageing by helping to protect the body from free radical damage
  • Contains HydroQSorb®, a clinically studied absorbable form of CoQ10

CoQ10 is critical for the health of our mitochondria, which are known as the energy powerhouses of each of our body's cells, and can be affected by aging and other factors. The mitochondria generate over 90% of the body's energy, so it is critical that they are well supported to work optimally. Research has found that CoQ10 is important for cardiovascular health and may help to support normal heart rhythm, healthy blood pressure and blood vessel function. The heart muscle cells also contain large numbers of mitochondria. CoQ10 may be beneficial for those taking statins, as there is some evidence to suggest they can deplete CoQ10 levels.

Suggested use is 1 capsule daily.

62,00 US$
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