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Seeking Health

Liver Nutrients - 60 Capsules | Seeking Health

Liver Nutrients is an all-in-one liver support dietary supplement that supports the healthy metabolism of toxins and hormones in the liver.

  • Can help support liver function
  • Supports natural detoxification pathways
  • Can improve antioxidant capacity
  • Helps to support healthy hormone balance
  • Promotes the production of glutathione
  • Can help to support bile production

Liver Nutrients provides gentle but effective support and nourishment to the liver to ensure that detoxification pathways are working optimally. Some liver cleanses can be too harsh on the system as they do not provide the nutrients that the liver needs to be able to detoxify. By helping to support natural pathways of detoxification and providing potent antioxidants the liver cells remain healthy and are able to carry out their detox tasks optimally. The liver does not only clear toxins but also hormones that the body no longer needs, so Liver Nutrients helps to support hormone balance.

Suggested use is 1 capsule daily.

27,00 US$
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