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Iron Plus (Topical Patch 30 Day Supply) - 30 Patches | PatchMD

Iron Plus Topical Patch provides a non-constipating, well-absorbed form of iron - iron bisglycinate - which comes without the negative side effects of oral iron supplements. A great choice if you need to boost your iron levels and improve symptoms of fatigue and low energy. Also contains vitamin C and beta-carotene, to enhance iron absorption.

- Easy to absorb, and non-constipating

- Helps to support energy levels

- Beneficial to people with iron deficiency

- Supports red blood cell formation

- Includes vitamin C to help improve absorption

Iron is needed for forming red blood cells which help to carry oxygen around the body. Without an adequate intake of iron, anaemia can develop which can leave people feeling fatigued. Iron deficiency is incredibly common, affecting up to 17% of men and 50% of women, and can leave you feeling fatigued and low in energy. The inclusion of vitamin C, beta carotene and astaxanthin help to improve the absorption of iron. These handy patches make it easy to improve iron levels without the need for a supplement to be taken and can be helpful for those who struggle to swallow capsules or tablets.

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