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Biocidin Botanicals

Biocidin TS (Throat Spray) - 30ml | Biocidin Botanicals

Biocidin's Throat Spray is a special herbal blend with a diverse range of essential ingredients sourced from Europe, Central Asia, North America, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. This patented blend contains extracts of bilberry, garlic, noni and shiitake, as well as essential oils such as tea tree, galbanum, lavender and oregano, each with a rich history of worldwide use over an extended period of time.

The addition of these time-honoured ingredients underscores the traditional meaning of the product and offers a holistic approach to wellness. Moreover, the convenient and user-friendly format makes the product even more appealing.

More information about this product

Unfortunately, due to legislation concerning supplements, we are not allowed to provide (complete) information about this product. For more information we refer you to a library of medicine

34,00 US$
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