


New Roots Herbal


Vild Oregano | 15ml | New Roots Herbal

New Roots Herbal

Vild Oregano | 15ml | New Roots Herbal

Vild Oregano | 15ml | New Roots Herbal
Vild Oregano | 15ml | New Roots Herbal

New Roots Herbal

Vild Oregano | 15ml | New Roots Herbal


<p><strong>Forskellige undersøgelser har vist, at oreganoolie kan være en hjælp til:</strong></p><p>Behandling af bakterielle og virale infektioner, fungere som et stærkt immunstimulerende middel, forebygge og behandle infektioner i< br />luftveje generelt, almindelig forkølelse og influenza. Det er effektivt selv efter forekomsten af ​​de første symptomer. Hvis<br />halsen er plaget, er det meget nyttigt at gurgle en blanding af oreganoolie og vand.</p><p>Det virker effektivt i tilfælde af candidiasis, parasitter, vorter, fodsvamp, insektbid og kulde sår. Det kan også have positive effekter på mave-tarmproblemer. Det stimulerer galde- og enzymsekretion, understøtter og forbedrer fordøjelsesfunktionen og hæmmer sammen med dets antiseptiske, svampedræbende og antiparasitiske egenskaber spredningen af ​​patogene organismer i mave-tarmkanalen.</p><p>Andre praktiske anvendelser omfatter bekæmpelse af skæl og seborrhoea forårsaget af en svampeinfektion i hovedbunden (bland nogle få dråber<br />i shampoo), og forbedring eller vedligeholdelse af mundhygiejne og bekæmpelse af infektioner i munden.&nbsp;</p>


På lager. Forsendelse samme dag tilgængelig

Gratis forsendelse på ordrer over €125

<p data-mce-fragment="1">Wild Oregano is food supplement consisting of the oil from wild oregano, obtained from the species <em>Origanum minutiflorum</em> which contains one of the highest natural concentrations of carvacrol.<br data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1">• Offers antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic support<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Can help fight candida<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Helps to prevent and support respiratory tract infections<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Can help improve gastrointestinal issues<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Stimulates bile and enzyme secretion to improve digestive function<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Can help maintain oral hygiene<br data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1">Oregano oil can have benefits on many health complaints, it can be effective at supporting gastrointestinal disorders and boosts the body’s ability to fight off yeast infections, such as candida. It can be used for improving respiratory infections and throat discomfort. It may also be beneficial against insect bites and athlete’s foot.</p><p data-mce-fragment="1">Suggested use is 3 drops in a bit of water or juice.</p>

<table align='center' border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'> <tbody> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='2'><b>Ernæringsmæssige oplysninger</b></td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='2'><strong>Portionsstørrelse: 3 </strong></td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='2'><strong>Portioner pr. Beholder:</strong> 35</td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td width='70%'> </td> <td width='15%'><strong>Mængde pr. Portion</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Olivenolie</td> <td>0,072 ml</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oregano-olie</td> <td>0,015 ml</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='2'>*NRV: Næringsstofreferenceværdi i %</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3>Ingredienser </h3> <p>Olivenolie (Olea europea), oreganoolie (Origanum minutiflorum).</p>

<p><strong>Warnings:</strong></p><ul> <li>Consult a health-care practitioner if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, if you are treated with medication or if you have a special medical condition.&nbsp;</li></ul><ul> <li>Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.&nbsp;</li></ul>

*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtig, og kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.

*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.

*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

<p>3 drops in a bit of water or juice (30 ml). Keep under your tongue for some minutes or gargle and swallow. With sufficient time<br />intervals and by following the recommendation of a health-care professional administration can be repeated up to 8 times daily.<br />For local application, it is recommended to mix with a vegetable carrier oil.<br />&nbsp;</p>

Fri fra:

Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Lupin,Milk,Molluscs,Mustard,Peanuts,Sesame Seeds,Soybeans,Sulphur Dioxide,Tree Nuts,Celery

Velegnet til:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO,Vegans,Vegetarians

Vild Oregano | 15ml | New Roots Herbal

<p data-mce-fragment="1">Wild Oregano is food supplement consisting of the oil from wild oregano, obtained from the species <em>Origanum minutiflorum</em> which contains one of the highest natural concentrations of carvacrol.<br data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1">• Offers antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic support<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Can help fight candida<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Helps to prevent and support respiratory tract infections<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Can help improve gastrointestinal issues<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Stimulates bile and enzyme secretion to improve digestive function<br data-mce-fragment="1">• Can help maintain oral hygiene<br data-mce-fragment="1"><br data-mce-fragment="1">Oregano oil can have benefits on many health complaints, it can be effective at supporting gastrointestinal disorders and boosts the body’s ability to fight off yeast infections, such as candida. It can be used for improving respiratory infections and throat discomfort. It may also be beneficial against insect bites and athlete’s foot.</p><p data-mce-fragment="1">Suggested use is 3 drops in a bit of water or juice.</p>

<table align='center' border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'> <tbody> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='2'><b>Ernæringsmæssige oplysninger</b></td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='2'><strong>Portionsstørrelse: 3 </strong></td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td colspan='2'><strong>Portioner pr. Beholder:</strong> 35</td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td width='70%'> </td> <td width='15%'><strong>Mængde pr. Portion</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Olivenolie</td> <td>0,072 ml</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oregano-olie</td> <td>0,015 ml</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='2'>*NRV: Næringsstofreferenceværdi i %</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3>Ingredienser </h3> <p>Olivenolie (Olea europea), oreganoolie (Origanum minutiflorum).</p>

<p><strong>Warnings:</strong></p><ul> <li>Consult a health-care practitioner if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, if you are treated with medication or if you have a special medical condition.&nbsp;</li></ul><ul> <li>Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.&nbsp;</li></ul>

*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtig, og kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.

*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.

*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

<p>3 drops in a bit of water or juice (30 ml). Keep under your tongue for some minutes or gargle and swallow. With sufficient time<br />intervals and by following the recommendation of a health-care professional administration can be repeated up to 8 times daily.<br />For local application, it is recommended to mix with a vegetable carrier oil.<br />&nbsp;</p>

Produktet er fri for:

Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Lupin,Milk,Molluscs,Mustard,Peanuts,Sesame Seeds,Soybeans,Sulphur Dioxide,Tree Nuts,Celery

Produktet er velegnet til:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO,Vegans,Vegetarians

Vild Oregano | 15ml | New Roots Herbal

Vild Oregano | 15ml | New Roots Herbal



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