Seeking Health

HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health

HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health
HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health


Seeking Health

HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health


<p><strong>Fordele</strong></p><ul> <li>Kan hjælpe med at understøtte sunde slimhinder</li></ul><ul> <li>Kan hjælpe med at understøtte sæsonbestemt komfort</li> </ul><ul> <li>Kan hjælpe med at understøtte immunsundhed</li></ul><ul> <li>Kan hjælpe med at støtte kroppens sunde helingsprocesser</li></ul>


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Gratis forsendelse tilgængelig på ordrer over 125 €

<p>HistaminX by Seeking Health includes herbal and plant-derived compounds. The formula includes ingredients such a stinging nettle extract and quercetin.</p><ul><li>Stinging nettle contains minerals (iron) and reduces anaemia.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 4497 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle helps to prevent and eliminate dandruff and heal the wounds<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 4498 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle helps to make you feel more energetic and supports the body´s vitality<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2152 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle helps to support a conscious cardiovascular living and maintaining heart health<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2177 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle contains herbs with lung inflammation reducing, cough-up promoting and bronchial spasm reducing properties<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2498 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle supports venous circulation, helps to maintain healthy leg-vein functions and can reduce the feeling of tired and heavy legs.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2732 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle is traditionally used to contribute to a pure skin, to help skin problems and maintain the skin healthy<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2766 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle supports the immune system and the body´s defence<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 3894 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle is adjuvant in symptomatic treatment of micturition disorders in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia at stage I &amp; II.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 3936 pending European approval.</li></ul><b>*Disclaimer: </b>Our supplements are trusted and selected by practitioners. Legislation limits the information we can share. For complete details, please refer to a medical library.

<table border=''1'' cellspacing=''0'' cellpadding=''3''> <tbody> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;'' colspan=''3''><strong>Fakta om kosttilskud</strong></td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 19px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 19px;'' colspan=''3''><strong>Portionsstørrelse:</strong> 2 kapsler</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;'' colspan=''3''><strong>Portioner pr:</strong> 30</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 54px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 54px;'' width=''70%''> </td> <td style=''height: 54px;'' width=''15%''>Mængde pr. Portion</td> <td style=''height: 54px;'' width=''15%''>% DV</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Brændenældeekstrakt (<em>Urtica dioica</em>)(blade)(1% silica)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>200 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Luteolin</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>100 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Rutin (fra <em>Sophora japonica</em>) (knop)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>100 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Quercetin (som quercetin dihydrat fra <em>Sophora japonica</em>) (knopper)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>100 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Bromelain (2400 GDU/g) (fra <em>Ananas comosus</em>)(frugt)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>100 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Glucoraphanin (fra broccoliekstrakt)<em>(Brassica oleracea italica</em>)(frø)(SGS™)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>25 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Dihydroquercetin (fra lærketræsekstrakt,<em>(Larix dahurica</em>)<em>(Larix gmelinii</em>)<em>(Larix sibirica ledeb</em>)<em>(Larix cajanderi</em>))(savskov)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>20 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 36px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 36px;'' colspan=''3''>** Daglig værdi ikke fastsat.<br />% DV (Daglig værdi) baseret på standard 2.000 kalorier dagligt indtag</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3>Andre ingredienser</h3> <p>HPMC (kapsel), mikrokrystallinsk cellulose, ascorbylpalmitat, L-leucin, mellemkædet triglyceridolie og silica.</p>

<p>Børn og gravide eller ammende kvinder bør rådføre sig med deres læge før brug. Må ikke anvendes, hvis forseglingen er beskadiget.</p> <p>Opbevares lukket på et køligt, tørt sted uden for børns rækkevidde.</p>

*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtigt, kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.

*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.

*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

<p>Take 2 capsules without food or as directed by your healthcare professional.</p>

Gratis fra:

Eggs,Fish,Peanuts,Soybeans,Tree Nuts,and Artificial Colors,Sesame,Shellfish,Dairy,GMO,Gluten

Velegnet til:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO,Vegans,Vegetarians

<p>HistaminX by Seeking Health includes herbal and plant-derived compounds. The formula includes ingredients such a stinging nettle extract and quercetin.</p><ul><li>Stinging nettle contains minerals (iron) and reduces anaemia.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 4497 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle helps to prevent and eliminate dandruff and heal the wounds<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 4498 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle helps to make you feel more energetic and supports the body´s vitality<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2152 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle helps to support a conscious cardiovascular living and maintaining heart health<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2177 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle contains herbs with lung inflammation reducing, cough-up promoting and bronchial spasm reducing properties<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2498 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle supports venous circulation, helps to maintain healthy leg-vein functions and can reduce the feeling of tired and heavy legs.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2732 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle is traditionally used to contribute to a pure skin, to help skin problems and maintain the skin healthy<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 2766 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle supports the immune system and the body´s defence<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 3894 pending European approval.</li><li>Stinging nettle is adjuvant in symptomatic treatment of micturition disorders in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia at stage I &amp; II.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Health claim ID 3936 pending European approval.</li></ul><b>*Disclaimer: </b>Our supplements are trusted and selected by practitioners. Legislation limits the information we can share. For complete details, please refer to a medical library.

<table border=''1'' cellspacing=''0'' cellpadding=''3''> <tbody> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;'' colspan=''3''><strong>Fakta om kosttilskud</strong></td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 19px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 19px;'' colspan=''3''><strong>Portionsstørrelse:</strong> 2 kapsler</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;'' colspan=''3''><strong>Portioner pr:</strong> 30</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 54px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 54px;'' width=''70%''> </td> <td style=''height: 54px;'' width=''15%''>Mængde pr. Portion</td> <td style=''height: 54px;'' width=''15%''>% DV</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Brændenældeekstrakt (<em>Urtica dioica</em>)(blade)(1% silica)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>200 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Luteolin</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>100 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Rutin (fra <em>Sophora japonica</em>) (knop)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>100 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Quercetin (som quercetin dihydrat fra <em>Sophora japonica</em>) (knopper)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>100 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Bromelain (2400 GDU/g) (fra <em>Ananas comosus</em>)(frugt)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>100 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Glucoraphanin (fra broccoliekstrakt)<em>(Brassica oleracea italica</em>)(frø)(SGS™)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>25 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 18px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 18px;''>Dihydroquercetin (fra lærketræsekstrakt,<em>(Larix dahurica</em>)<em>(Larix gmelinii</em>)<em>(Larix sibirica ledeb</em>)<em>(Larix cajanderi</em>))(savskov)</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>20 mg</td> <td style=''height: 18px;''>**</td> </tr> <tr style=''height: 36px;'' align=''left'' valign=''top''> <td style=''height: 36px;'' colspan=''3''>** Daglig værdi ikke fastsat.<br />% DV (Daglig værdi) baseret på standard 2.000 kalorier dagligt indtag</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3>Andre ingredienser</h3> <p>HPMC (kapsel), mikrokrystallinsk cellulose, ascorbylpalmitat, L-leucin, mellemkædet triglyceridolie og silica.</p>

<p>Børn og gravide eller ammende kvinder bør rådføre sig med deres læge før brug. Må ikke anvendes, hvis forseglingen er beskadiget.</p> <p>Opbevares lukket på et køligt, tørt sted uden for børns rækkevidde.</p>

*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtigt, kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.

*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.

*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

<p>Take 2 capsules without food or as directed by your healthcare professional.</p>

Produktet er fri for:

Eggs,Fish,Peanuts,Soybeans,Tree Nuts,and Artificial Colors,Sesame,Shellfish,Dairy,GMO,Gluten

Produktet er velegnet til:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO,Vegans,Vegetarians

HistaminX | 60 Kapsler | Seeking Health

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