En veloptaget form for magnesium, der støtter hjertet og skeletmuskulaturen.
Mineralet magnesium er afgørende for, at kroppen fungerer korrekt, fordi magnesium er involveret i mere end 600 af kroppens enzymatiske reaktioner.
Ifølge statistikker fra Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO) når så mange som tre ud af fire voksne i USA ikke op på det anbefalede daglige indtag på 420 mg magnesium, som den amerikanske Food and Drug Administration anbefaler. Magnesiummangel kan vise sig på mange måder, f.eks. ved dårlig blodsukkerstofskifte, muskelkramper eller ømhed, øjenlågskramper, træthed og dårlig søvn.
Zinc Picolinate 30mg - 60 Capsules | Thorne
From supporting immune function to reproductive health, zinc is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in your health.
If there was a super mineral, then zinc would be a contender. Zinc is an essential micronutrient that is crucial to more than 200 enzymatic reactions and plays a key role in growth, immune function, testosterone metabolism, and numerous other functions in your body.
Thorne offers two highly absorbable forms of zinc: Zinc Picolinate and Zinc Bisglycinate. Zinc Picolinate is zinc that is bound to the organic acid picolinic acid, which is naturally made in the body from the amino acid L-Tryptophan. Zinc Bisglycinate is zinc that is bound to two molecules of the amino acid glycine – creating a true amino acid chelate.