<p>Zinc 15 by Pure Encapsulations provides 15mg of zinc picolinate in a chelated form, making it highly absorbable. Zinc is a mineral that is needed by many different systems in the body.</p><p>- Contributes to a healthy immune system</p><p>- May help to support fertility for both men and women</p><p>- Important for healthy hair, skin and nails</p><p>- May help to support normal cognitive function</p><p>- May support male health and virility by increasing testosterone levels</p><p>- Contributes to the normal production of DNA</p><p>Zinc is an important mineral for health. It works alongside vitamin C and D to support the immune system. It is needed by the brain for optimal brain function. Zinc may also be beneficial for fertility as one of its key roles is to help to replicate DNA to make new cells, helping to improve the quality of eggs and sperm. In men, it has also found to have a beneficial effect on testerone levels. It is also an important mineral for healthy and strong hair, skin and nails.</p><p>Suggested use is 1 capsule daily.</p>
<table align='center' border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'> <tbody> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><strong>Ernæringsoplysninger</strong></td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><span><strong>Portionsstørrelse:</strong> </span>1</td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><span><strong>Portioner pr. beholder:</strong></span>60</td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td width='70%'> </td> <td width='15%'>Mængde pr. Portion:</td> <td width='15%'>% NRV*</td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td>Zink (som zinkpicolinat)</td> <td>15 mg</td> <td>150%</td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td colspan='3'>*Næringsstof referenceværdi<br /> <span>†NRV ikke fastsat.</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h4><span>Andre ingredienser</span></h4> <p>Hypoallergen plantefiber (mikrokrystallinsk cellulose), zinkpicolinat. Vegetarisk kapsel (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose).</p>
<p>Hvis du er gravid eller ammer, har en sygdom eller tager medicin, skal du kontakte din læge før brug. Brug kun, hvis sikkerhedsseglet er intakt. Kosttilskud bør ikke anvendes som erstatning for en varieret kost. Overskrid ikke den angivne daglige dosis. Opbevares uden for små børns rækkevidde.</p> <p>Alle Pure Encapsulations produkter er fri for: Hvede og gluten, Æg, Jordnødder, Transfedt og hærdede olier, GMO'er, Magnesiumstearat, Titandioxid, Carrageenan, Overtræk og shellak, Kunstige farvestoffer, aromaer og sødemidler, Unødvendige bindemidler, fyldstoffer og konserveringsmidler. </p> <p>Pure Encapsulations® produkter er fremstillet af allergivenlige ingredienser, er videnskabeligt<br /> testet af tredjepartslaboratorier og er designet til at give forudsigelige resultater.</p>
*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtig, og kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.
*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.
*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.
<p>As a food supplement, take 1 capsule daily, with a meal, or as directed by<br />a health professional.</p>
Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Milk,Molluscs,Peanuts,Soybeans,Celery
Gluten Free,NON-GMO,Vegans,Vegetarians