QuerciSorb QR 350mg - 90 Capsules | Tesseract
QuerciSorb QR 350mg - 90 Capsules | Tesseract
QuerciSorb QR 350mg - 90 Capsules | Tesseract
QuerciSorb QR 350mg - 90 Capsules | Tesseract
Tesseract QuerciSorb QR 350mg - 90 Capsules | Tesseract
QuerciSorb QR/SR indeholder bioaktivt quercetin med langvarig frigivelse, der leveres på de ønskede steder i tarmkanalen for optimal kardiovaskulær støtte. Tesseracts unikke quercetin formel er designet til at maksimere den terapeutiske effekt og støtte effektiv og omfattende kardiovaskulær sundhed. QuerciSorb QR/SR understøtter sunde lipidprofiler, fremmer vasodilatation for at understøtte normale blodtryksniveauer, understøtter et sundt inflammatorisk respons og giver betydelige kardiobeskyttende fordele. QuerciSorb QR tilbyder et alternativ med hurtig frigivelse, der giver effektiv og omfattende immununderstøttelse. Via synergistiske virkninger med andre antioxidanter beskytter QuerciSorb QR væv mod de negative virkninger af oxidation og inflammation, der ofte observeres under hyperimmune reaktioner.


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<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" height="176" width="548"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="3"><b>Nutritional Information: Food supplement</b></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="3"><strong>Serving Size: </strong>1</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="3"><strong>Servings Per Container:</strong> 90</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="70%">Each Capsule Contains:</td> <td width="15%">Amount Per Serving</td> <td width="15%">%Reference Intake*</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Quercetin Proprietary Complex**</td> <td>350mg</td> <td>†</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="3">† Reference Intake not established.</td> </tr> </tbody></table><h3>Ingredients</h3><p>Quercetin complex**,&nbsp;Hypromellose (derived from cellulose) capsule, high and low viscosity hydroxopropyl methycellulose (sustained release), calcium laurate, plant amylase, and silicon dioxide. ** Solubility enhanced Querceting in Cyloc, a dextrin fiber matrix molecular trap. Cyloc complex compounded with a DexKey release agent (patent pending, Al Czap, Czap R&amp;D, Licensed by Tessaract Medical Research, LLC).</p>
<p><strong>Warnings:</strong></p><ul> <li>Tamper Evident: Use only if bottle is sealed.</li></ul><ul> <li>If pregnant, consult your health-care practitioner before using this product.<br /> &nbsp;</li></ul><p><strong>Storage:</strong></p><ul> <li>Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place.</li></ul>
<p>Take 1-2 capsules two times daily or as recommended by your health-care practitioner.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

The product is free from:

Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Lupin,Milk,Molluscs,Mustard,Peanuts,Sesame Seeds,Soybeans,Sulphur Dioxide,Tree Nuts,Celery

The product is suitable for:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO,Vegans,Vegetarians