


Designs For Health


Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels

Designs For Health

Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels

Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels
Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels
Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels
Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels

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Designs For Health

Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels


<p>Olivenolie kan støtte kroppens normale forsvar mod overvækst af gær, svampe og uvenlige bakterier, hvilket gør det gavnligt som en del af et protokol rettet mod at understøtte tarmens sundhed og fremme en mere balanceret tarmmikrobiota.&nbsp;Som en kilde til antioxidanter kan olivenolie neutralisere frie radikaler, der fører til kemisk skade eller hurtig cellulær aldring og forringelse i kroppen.</p><p>Et antioxidantkomponent af olivenolie, rosmarinsyre, er en særlig potent antioxidant og kan være gavnlig til at støtte immunsystemet og en sund respons på inflammation.&nbsp;Yderligere antioxidanter i olivenolie inkluderer hydroxycinnaminsyre, p-hydroxyhydrokaffesyre og labiatic acid, som alle kan have betydelige sundhedsmæssige fordele.</p>


Gratis forsendelse på ordrer over €125

<p>Oil of Oregano may support the health of the gastrointestinal tract by promoting intestinal cleansing and a healthy balance of gut bacteria. This product is standardized to contain carvacrol and thymol, the primary bioactive phenolic compounds in oregano.</p><p>• Supports the body’s natural defences against the growth of yeast</p><p>• Supports digestive system health</p><p>• Has powerful antioxidant properties</p><p>• May help support the immune system</p><p>• Can contribute to a healthy inflammatory response</p><p>• Promotes intestinal cleansing</p><p>This product is standardized for carvacrol and thymol, the principal phenolic compounds in oregano, with each softgel providing 36 mg carvacrol and thymol from an impressive 60-75% carvacrol oregano oil. The oil of oregano used in this formula is of the highest quality and is not genetically modified (non-GMO).</p><p><i><span lang="EN-GB">Unfortunately this product is not available in the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Germany and Austria</span></i></p>

<table border=''1'' cellspacing=''0'' cellpadding=''3''> <tbody> <tr valign=''top''> <td colspan=''3''><strong>Fakta om kosttilskud</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td colspan=''3''><strong>Portionsstørrelse: 1 </strong>softgel</td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td colspan=''3''><strong>Portioner pr. beholder: </strong>60</td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td width=''70%''> </td> <td width=''15%''>Mængde pr. Portion</td> <td width=''15%''>%Daglig værdi*</td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td><span>Oregano Olie (Origanum vulgare) (Blad)</span><br /><span>(36mg carvacrol og thymol fra 60-75% carvacrol oreganoolie)</span></td> <td>60 mg</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td colspan=''3''>*Daglig værdi ikke fastsat.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> <h3>Andre ingredienser</h3> <div class=''prodOverviewIngred''> <p><span>Olivenolie' bovin gelatine' vegetabilsk glycerin' renset vand.</span></p> </div>

<p><span>Opbevares ved stuetemperatur.</span><br /><br /><span>Opbevares uden for børns rækkevidde.</span><br /><br /><span>Kun til professionel brug.</span><br /><br /><span>Bemærk: Farve, størrelse eller form kan være forskellig fra parti til parti.</span></p>

*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtig, og kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.

*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.

*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

<p>As a dietary supplement, take one softgel per day with a meal, or as directed by your health care practitioner.</p>

Fri fra:

Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Lupin,Milk,Molluscs,Mustard,Peanuts,Sesame Seeds,Soybeans,Sulphur Dioxide,Tree Nuts,Celery

Velegnet til:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO

Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels

<p>Oil of Oregano may support the health of the gastrointestinal tract by promoting intestinal cleansing and a healthy balance of gut bacteria. This product is standardized to contain carvacrol and thymol, the primary bioactive phenolic compounds in oregano.</p><p>• Supports the body’s natural defences against the growth of yeast</p><p>• Supports digestive system health</p><p>• Has powerful antioxidant properties</p><p>• May help support the immune system</p><p>• Can contribute to a healthy inflammatory response</p><p>• Promotes intestinal cleansing</p><p>This product is standardized for carvacrol and thymol, the principal phenolic compounds in oregano, with each softgel providing 36 mg carvacrol and thymol from an impressive 60-75% carvacrol oregano oil. The oil of oregano used in this formula is of the highest quality and is not genetically modified (non-GMO).</p><p><i><span lang="EN-GB">Unfortunately this product is not available in the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Germany and Austria</span></i></p>

<table border=''1'' cellspacing=''0'' cellpadding=''3''> <tbody> <tr valign=''top''> <td colspan=''3''><strong>Fakta om kosttilskud</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td colspan=''3''><strong>Portionsstørrelse: 1 </strong>softgel</td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td colspan=''3''><strong>Portioner pr. beholder: </strong>60</td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td width=''70%''> </td> <td width=''15%''>Mængde pr. Portion</td> <td width=''15%''>%Daglig værdi*</td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td><span>Oregano Olie (Origanum vulgare) (Blad)</span><br /><span>(36mg carvacrol og thymol fra 60-75% carvacrol oreganoolie)</span></td> <td>60 mg</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr valign=''top''> <td colspan=''3''>*Daglig værdi ikke fastsat.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> <h3>Andre ingredienser</h3> <div class=''prodOverviewIngred''> <p><span>Olivenolie' bovin gelatine' vegetabilsk glycerin' renset vand.</span></p> </div>

<p><span>Opbevares ved stuetemperatur.</span><br /><br /><span>Opbevares uden for børns rækkevidde.</span><br /><br /><span>Kun til professionel brug.</span><br /><br /><span>Bemærk: Farve, størrelse eller form kan være forskellig fra parti til parti.</span></p>

*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtig, og kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.

*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.

*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

<p>As a dietary supplement, take one softgel per day with a meal, or as directed by your health care practitioner.</p>

Produktet er fri for:

Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Lupin,Milk,Molluscs,Mustard,Peanuts,Sesame Seeds,Soybeans,Sulphur Dioxide,Tree Nuts,Celery

Produktet er velegnet til:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO

Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels

Olie af Oregano | 60 Softgels



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