Indeholder magnesium i en form, som personer er følsomme over for Magnesiumoxid eller citrat kan indtage
Essentielt for metabolismen af fedt, kulhydrater og aminosyrer
Understøtter sunde tænder og fremmer calciumoptagelse
Understøtter sund glat muskeltonus og kardiovaskulær funktion
Bidrager til at opretholde normalt humør og følelsesmæssigt velvære præmenstruelt
Vital NutrientS er et amerikansk mærke med base i Middletown, CT, der udvikler sunde produkter som svar på de voksende behov hos personer med fødevare- og kemisk følsomhed.
Alle produkter er fri for giftstoffer, kemikalier og duftstoffer
Ingredienser af høj kvalitet
Godkendt af praktiserende læger
Analyseret for styrke og renhed
Ultimate Omega Formula -60 Softgels | NoordCode
NoordCode Ultimate Omega Formula contains pure, unprocessed Calanus oil with a broad spectrum of marine fats, including omega-3 EPA & DHA and natural astaxanthin. Unique, highly stable, long-lasting new generation of omega-3 oil and much more. For brain, heart & vessels and eyes.
For whom is Ultimate Omega Formula interesting
NoordCode Ultimate Omega Formula is an excellent choice if you can relate to this:
Broad nutritional profile: For those who want to get all the good fats from the sea, including omega-3.
Bioavailable and effective: Ideal for those looking for an easily absorbable and effective omega-3 supplement.
Pure and unoxidised: For those who want to be sure of a pure, stable and undamaged omega-3 supplement.
Sustainable and renewable: For those who care about sustainability and protecting fish populations.
Straight from nature: For those who want sea fats straight from the source, without tinkering or additives.
With astaxanthin: Perfect for those who want to take natural astaxanthin with their omega-3.
Nothing removed, nothing added
Ultimate Omega Formula contains nothing but pure Calanus oil. Nothing has been added to the oil and nothing has been removed. The oil is packaged in fish gelatine softgels for easy ingestion.