
Lauricidin Monolaurin | 227g | Lauricidin

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Lauricidin Monolaurin | 227g | Lauricidin

0 Anmeldelser


  • Icon3000 mg af monolaurin per teskefuld.
  • IconSundhedsfaglig anbefalet, 100% ikke-giftig og sikker for alle aldre.
  • IconAlle naturlige, fri for lægemiddelinteraktioner og kokosallergener.
  • IconPlante-baseret monolaurin udvundet fra kokosolie til sundhedsstøtte.


På lager. Forsendelse samme dag tilgængelig



Gratis forsendelse tilgængelig på ordrer over 125 €

Lauricidin® original Monolaurin is a high-potency extract derived from lauric acid. Monolaurin can provide active immune support for the body.

• Helps to support the immune system
• Supports a healthy digestive tract
• Can provide antibacterial protection
• It may have antimicrobial effects and help fight yeasts
• It may have antiviral effects
• May support skin health

Monolaurin is a natural plant-based medium chain fatty acid derived from lauric acid. It is the same monolaurin that exists in mother’s milk and that supports immune system and digestive health. It is all natural and free from any potential drug interactions or coconut allergens. To be taken for long-term support and general health and wellness. It is safe for children and pets.

Pairs well with
  • Lauricidin Monolaurin | 227g | Lauricidin

    £ 36.00

  • +
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  • +
  • Active Magnesium Chewable | 100 Tyggetabletter | Seeking Health

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All, for only: £ 74.00

Lauricidin® original Monolaurin is a high-potency extract derived from lauric acid. Monolaurin can provide active immune support for the body.

• Helps to support the immune system
• Supports a healthy digestive tract
• Can provide antibacterial protection
• It may have antimicrobial effects and help fight yeasts
• It may have antiviral effects
• May support skin health

Monolaurin is a natural plant-based medium chain fatty acid derived from lauric acid. It is the same monolaurin that exists in mother’s milk and that supports immune system and digestive health. It is all natural and free from any potential drug interactions or coconut allergens. To be taken for long-term support and general health and wellness. It is safe for children and pets.

Fakta om kosttilskud
Portionsstørrelse: 1 Scoop (1 tsk)
Portioner pr. beholder: 75
Mængde pr. Portion %Daglig værdi
Kalorier 27
Kalorier fra fedt 27
Fedt i alt 3 g 5%*
Mættet fedt 3 g 15%*
Monolaurin 3000 mg +
* DV (daglig værdi) baseret på standard 2.000 kalorier dagligt indtag
+ Daglig værdi (DV) ikke fastsat.


Må ikke tygges, sluges med varme væsker eller blandes/opløses i væske. Læg blot indholdet af skeen i munden og skylles ned med koldt vand eller juice til måltiderne.


  • Tag Lauricidin® i små mængder, indtil du når dit anbefalede indtag. Dette kan betyde at starte så lavt som til 1 enkelt pellet 3 gange dagligt til 1/4 scoop 3 gange dagligt, før du arbejder dig op til voksenindtaget på 1 scoop 3 gange dagligt. Tag dagligt ligesom en multi-vitamin.
  • -Følg anvisningerne fra din læge eller ernæringsekspert, hvis de afviger fra de generelle indtagelsesanvisninger nedenfor.


  • Du må ikke tygge pellets.
  • Må ikke sluges med varme væsker.

Lauricidin® er en koncentreret minipille (~30 mg pr. pille) af sn1 (3)-monolaurin. Størrelsen og formen af minipillerne kan variere.
Lauricidin® er ugiftigt og sikkert for børn og kæledyr.
Lauricidin® er bioaktiv, den nøjagtige mængde, du har brug for for optimal sundhed, afhænger af din kost og genetiske sammensætning.

*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtigt, kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.

*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.

*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

Children (3-10 years old) — Do not chew pellets. To be taken with meals. The mini-pellets can be placed in the mouth and swallowed with water or juice. Do not take with hot liquids. For difficult situations try placing the pellets (whole or powdered) into applesauce, pudding, peanut butter, etc. For very young children it is best to start with 1-3 pellets/day for several days before gradually increasing the amount.
The usual initial level of Lauricidin® is increased gradually to three times daily for a week or two.
The level can be further increased thereafter.
The maintenance level will depend on the effects seen and adjusted accordingly.

Adults — Take with or after meals. The mini-pellets can be placed in the mouth and swallowed with water or juice. Do not take with hot liquids. Do not chew or take as a powder. The recommended initial level of Lauricidin® is ~0.75 gram (1/4 blue scoop) or less two or three times daily for a week before increasing the amount.
The level can be then increased to 1.5 grams (1/2 blue scoop) one, two or three times daily thereafter.
A maintenance level can be 3.0 grams (one blue scoop) two or three times a day necessary for optimum health effects. In stubborn cases, this may be increased. The length of time for taking the supplement is an individual response. Supplements need to be taken on a continuing basis for better health–much like vitamins.

Produktet er fri for:

Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Milk,Peanuts,Sesame Seeds,Soybeans,Sulphur Dioxide,Tree Nuts,Celery

Produktet er velegnet til:

Gluten Free,NON-GMO

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