<p>Adrenotone™ is a comprehensive blend of nutrients and botanical compounds designed to support healthy adrenal function. These glands produce several hormones and neurotransmitters that help regulate energy levels and mood.</p><p>• Helps to support healthy cortisol metabolism</p><p>• Can contribute to healthier energy levels</p><p>• Contributes to better stress response</p><p>• Contributes to the synthesis of neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine</p><p>• With liquorice to help cortisol stay in the bloodstream for longer, to support the adrenal glands</p><p>• Includes tyrosine which is an important building block for the thyroid hormones</p><p>Due to the fast pace and unrelenting demands of modern life, the adrenal glands are taxed with producing higher amounts of the stress hormones more frequently, but the glands can only keep up with this increased demand for so long before they begin to lag behind, eventually leading to poor adrenal response. Adrenotone™ can help the body manage this response.</p><p><i><span lang="EN-GB">Unfortunately this product is not available in the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Germany and Austria</span></i></p>
<table 1='' border=''> <tbody> <tr align='' left=''> <td 3='' colspan=''><strong>Fakta om kosttilskud</strong></td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td 3='' colspan=''><strong>Portionsstørrelse:</strong> 3 kapsler</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td 3='' colspan=''><strong>Portioner pr. beholder:</strong> 60</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td 70='' width=''> </td> <td 15='' width=''>Mængde pr. Portion</td> <td 15='' width=''>% Daglig værdi</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>C-vitamin (som askorbinsyre)</span></td> <td>100 mg</td> <td>170%</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) (som riboflavin-5-phosphat)</span></td> <td>5 mg</td> <td>290%</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span><span>B-6-vitamin (som pyridoxal-5-fosfat)</span></span></td> <td>5 mg</td> <td>250%</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>Pantothensyre (som D-Calcium Pantothenate)</span></td> <td>250 mg</td> <td>2,500%</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) (rod)</span><br /> <span>[Standardiseret til at indeholde 0,8% eleutherosider]</span></td> <td>250 mg</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>Amerikansk ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius) (rod)</span><br /> <span>[Standardiseret til at indeholde 5% ginsenosider]</span></td> <td>100 mg</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) (rod)</span><br /> <span>[Standardiseret til at indeholde 1,5% withanolider]</span></td> <td>100 mg</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>Rhodiola Rosea (rod)</span><span> </span><br /> <span>[Standardiseret til at indeholde 3% rosaviner og 1% salidrosid]</span></td> <td>100 mg</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>N-Acetyl L-Tyrosin </span></td> <td>75 mg</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td><span>Lakrids (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (rod)</span></td> <td>20 mg</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr align='' left=''> <td 3='' colspan=''>* Daglig værdi ikke fastsat</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3><span>Andre ingredienser</span></h3> <p><span>Mikrokrystallinsk cellulose, vegetabilsk stearat.</span></p>
<p><span>Kontakt din læge før brug, hvis du er gravid eller ammer, eller hvis du har forhøjet blodtryk, diabetes eller har haft nyre- eller leverlidelser.</span><br /> <br /> <span>Afbryd brugen og konsulter din sundhedsperson, hvis du oplever søvnløshed' hovedpine eller hjertebanken.</span><br /> <br /> <span>Opbevares ved stuetemperatur.</span><br /> <br /> <span>Opbevares uden for børns rækkevidde.</span><br /> <br /> <span>Kun til professionel brug.</span></p>
*En varieret, afbalanceret kost og en sund livsstil er vigtig, og kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en varieret kost.
*Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides.
*Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.
<p>As a dietary supplement, take three capsules per day with meals, or as directed by your health care practitioner (divided dosing recommended).</p>
Cereals Containing Gluten,Crustaceans,Eggs,Fish,Milk,Molluscs,Mustard,Peanuts,Soybeans,Celery
Gluten Free,NON-GMO,Vegans,Vegetarians