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提供集中且脫脂的日本小麥胚芽提取物中每天1毫克植物來源的精胺酸的最低有效劑量1毫克=內有粉末的3粒膠囊(可與室溫液體混合或放在舌下服用;具有略帶堅果味)還含有聚胺,精氨酸和腐胺,參與一個善循環的回收循環 - 被稱為聚胺拯救途徑,因此您的身體擁有更多資源可以生產更多聚胺 含有一種益生樣澱粉,可以選擇性地餵養兩株腸道菌,使您的身體能夠生產更多精胺酸
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Primeadine® Original 是一種完全植物基礎的精胺酸補充劑,旨在促進健康老化,並刺激細胞更新,特別是自噬作用。每份含有1毫克純度最高且最易吸收的精胺酸,來源於濃縮和脫脂的日本小麥胚芽提取物。好處有哪些?更健康、更深沉的睡眠更強壯、更健康的頭髮、皮膚和指甲提升能量和活力在Primeadine® Original中發現的完全來自食物的精胺酸,伴隨著自然存在的多胺化合物,如腐胺和亞精胺。此外,這種補充劑還包含一種獨特的益生纖維,可支持你的腸道菌群中的精胺酸產生。這種額外的多胺化合物和益生纖維的組合形成了一個有益的循環,幫助你的身體產生更多精胺酸。為了達到最佳效果,我們建議持續服用Primeadine®至少12周,以充分體驗其好處。持續使用是取得最佳效果的關鍵。
營養信息:食品補充劑,自噬 份量: 3粒膠囊 每罐服用量: 30 每份含量 %RI Primeadine® 高濃縮小麥胚芽提取物 954 毫克 * 精胺酸 1 毫克 * * 參考攝取量尚未設定。 成分: 高濃縮小麥胚芽提取物, 精胺酸,特殊抗性澱粉中的果寡糖,麥芽糊精(甜菜根)。羥丙甲纖維素(植物纖維膠囊)。檸檬酸鈉。過敏原: 小麥(含40毫克麩質)。
成分: 高濃縮小麥胚芽提取物, 精胺酸,特殊抗性澱粉中的果寡糖,麥芽糊精(甜菜根)。羥丙甲纖維素(植物纖維膠囊)。檸檬酸鈉。
過敏原: 小麥(含40毫克麩質)。
含有濃縮小麥*胚芽,因此不適合患有腹腔疾患或小麥過敏的人。對於被診斷出患有小腸腸道過度生長(SIBO)以及遵循自體免疫原始人、肉食者或無凝集素飲食的人可能不適合。如果不確定,請諮詢您的醫療保健從業者。我們提供無麩質版本,讓每個人都能體驗 Primeadine 的好處。嘗試Primeadine GF。
我們提供無麩質版本,讓每個人都能體驗 Primeadine 的好處。嘗試Primeadine GF。
*A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important, dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet.
*The recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded.
*Keep out of reach of children.
Extra information by
Oxford Healthspan
Serving size: 3 capsules per day with liquid at mealtime.You may also grind tablets and add to smoothies.For long-term use: We suggest taking Primeadine® with your last meal to kickstart autophagy before bed, or with your breakfast to extend the benefits of your overnight fast.For first-time use:The first time you take it we recommend working up to the full daily dosage over 3 consecutive days.Day 1: Take 1 capsule with water at mealtime.Day 2: Take 2 capsules with water at mealtime.Day 3: Take 3 capsules with water at mealtime and if well tolerated, remain at this dose.Alternatives:If you find 3 capsules too many to take at once, you can split the dose across the day, or open the pills and add the contents to food or drink (below 40 degrees celsius/104 degrees fahrenheit).Avoid gluten? Try our gluten-free alternative, Primeadine® GF..
Serving size:
3 capsules per day with liquid at mealtime.
You may also grind tablets and add to smoothies.
For long-term use:
We suggest taking Primeadine® with your last meal to kickstart autophagy before bed, or with your breakfast to extend the benefits of your overnight fast.
For first-time use:
The first time you take it we recommend working up to the full daily dosage over 3 consecutive days.
Day 1: Take 1 capsule with water at mealtime.
Day 2: Take 2 capsules with water at mealtime.
Day 3: Take 3 capsules with water at mealtime and if well tolerated, remain at this dose.
If you find 3 capsules too many to take at once, you can split the dose across the day, or open the pills and add the contents to food or drink (below 40 degrees celsius/104 degrees fahrenheit).Avoid gluten? Try our gluten-free alternative, Primeadine® GF..
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Synthetics GMOs Soy Lactose PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) Heavy Metals Toxins Fillers Flow agents Sugar
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Purovitalis Liposomal Spermidine Supplement不僅僅是一種補充劑。這是對自己健康和活力的長期承諾。如果您正在尋找購買Spermidine,這是您的理想選擇。這種補充劑結合了必需的B族維生素、鋅、維生素D3和Spermidine,以支持您身體的天然過程。我們的脂質體遞送確保最大吸收,使其比普通補充劑更有效。
*免責聲明: 我們只提供高品質、經醫師批准的補充劑。法律限制阻止披露產品的效力和效果。欲瞭解更多信息,請參閱醫學圖書館。