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Why we love Patch MD vitamin patches!

In today's fast-paced world, restlessness is more common than ever. The number of things you have on your plate is endless: work, getting your workout done, doing some self-care, spending time with your family, friends, etcetera. With so many responsibilities, it's understandable that maintaining a healthy diet and getting all the nutrition you need can be challenging. This is where vitamin patches can come in. While vitamin patches are not a substitute for a healthy diet, they can help provide your body with the essential nutrients. We love vitamin patches from Patch MD. Why? Read on to find out.

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Yanti Rangkuti

No more swallowing pills but still getting vitamins

The first benefit is that you no longer have to swallow pills. Sometimes, taking supplements orally is not the best way to get your daily dose of vitamins. This is especially true for children, the elderly, or even you. Some people swallow pills with ease, while others struggle to do so. Despite this, everyone should be able to obtain all the vitamins they need. So thankfully, vitamin patches exist!
PatchMD provides an alternative to swallowing pills with easy-to-use vitamin patches. 

How does it work?

When you apply Patch MD patches, your body receives nutrients through the skin, bypassing your stomach and liver. In this way, more nutrient compounds enter the bloodstream, which could make them more bioavailable and ceffective.
Bariatric patients and those with sensitive stomachs will love it – rather than absorbing vitamins through their gut, they will be delivered to their bloodstream through the skin. So it’s perfect for anyone who has gastrointestinal issues, irritable bowel syndrome, or any other absorption issue.
These patches are natural, cruelty-free, hypoallergenic, and free of latex, lactose, gluten, and sugar, and are manufactured in an FDA-approved facility.

It’s easy to use for everyone!

Simply apply the patch to your skin and let it work its magic. It is best to apply the patches on areas of your body where there is little or no hair. Recommended areas are hips and shoulders. Avoid using lotions or creams in the same area since they inhibit absorption. 
To receive the best results, rotate the patch location on your body in a revolving circle. 
The patches are designed to be worn for up to 8 hours. Wearing the patches longer than 8 hours may cause skin reactions.

Multi-patching is fine

You may want to apply more than one patch. Just know that there's no problem in applying multiple patches each day, including other patches used simultaneously.  
So why do we love Patch MD patches? The reason is simple. As stated before, vitamin patches can provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for good health. However, these nutrients are not always available in the foods we eat, and even when they are, our bodies may not be able to absorb them properly. This is why using vitamin patches can be so beneficial. A patch is a perfect way to easily support your body's vitamin levels. That's why we love patches so much, and we are sure you'd love them too!
Would you give them a try? We are glad to assist you if you need any help or advice, you can reach out to us at