Wild Greens Supreme™ has been a long time in the making (approximately three years). The goal was to create a high quality green food product that consistently worked with a vast majority of patients. The herbs needed to be nutritive without being overtly medicinal so they could be consumed daily and nourish the body with a therapeutic dose of nutraceuticals and phytochemicals. They also needed to retain their nutritional integrity over time. Many samples were tested and we almost gave up many times as virtually nothing met the criteria.
Finally, a viable source was found that passed our testing. The resulting product is a combination of five herbs that are harvested in the wild, immediately frozen, then freeze-dried just prior to packaging. Freeze-drying retards the degradation of the plant’s constituents allowing the vital nutrients to maintain much longer than air-dried plants.
The contents are a blend of nettle, chickweed, Siberian lettuce, dandelion leaf, and couchgrass.
Noticeably absent are the cereal grasses (e.g. wheat and barley grass juice), various algaes (spirulina, chlorella, blue green algae, etc.), and legume foliage (e.g. alfalfa). Almost every other “greens” product on the market contains at least one of these, if not more.
Wild Greens is rich in minerals, both macro and trace. The minerals are far more bioavailable than what is found in most supplements due to the fact that plants convert the inorganic form of the minerals (rock dust) into an ionic form that is easily assimilated. The greens contain ample electrolyte minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, & potassium).
Also in significant amounts are vitamins A, C, & K; fiber, and free form amino acids. Not to be overlooked are the phytonutrients such as flavonoids that also play important roles.
One of the best features of greens is their chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is a remarkable molecule responsible for photosynthesis - the ability of a plant to convert sunlight into carbohydrates for its own use. Supplied as part of a whole plant product as opposed to an isolated component, we feel it is far more effective.
You’ve probably read or heard the quote from Hippocrates; “Let your foods be your medicine and let your medicine be your foods”. This is a foundational principle in human health, but we need to have high quality food - something that is becoming increasingly difficult in our modern world. We made Wild Greens Supreme™ to help fill that need.
More information about this product
Unfortunately, due to legislation concerning supplements, we are not allowed to provide (complete) information about this product. For more information we refer you to a library of medicine