Day 1: Place 1 drop on the bottom of each big toe, morning and evening.
Day 2: Continue to apply one drop on the bottom of each big toe, and add 1 drop on each thumb pad morning and evening.
Day 3: In addition to the big toes and thumbs, apply 1 drop on the back of each ear lobe, morning and evening. If well tolerated after a few days, oils can be applied directly to areas of concern, but only externally. If a rash develops, try using a carrier oil such as coconut or olive. Mix the BFB oils with the carrier oil, then apply.
What is 1 drop? - What we recommend for dosage is taking your finger and putting on top of bottle, flipping it over, then back. Whatever is on your finger is approximately one drop.
If using both BFB-1 and BFB-2 at the same time, alternate BFB-1 on one side of the body and BFB-2 on the other as directed above.
Children under 12:
1 drop onto the sole of one foot, once daily for the first 3 days, and if tolerated, increase to one drop on the bottom of both feet twice daily.
If using both oils, put one drop of BFB1 on the sole of right foot, and one drop of BFB2 on the sole of the left foot once a day. If tolerated, increase to twice daily, alternating feet each time.