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Designs For Health

CatecholaCalm - 90 Capsules | Designs For Health

Helaas is dit product niet verkrijgbaar in Nederland, Spanje, Zweden, Duitsland en Oostenrijk.

CatecholaCalm™ is designed to support healthy catecholamine metabolism with herbs like ashwagandha and valerian that may help support normal moods and promote calmness and relaxation.

• Can promote a healthy stress response

• Can support a more balanced mood

• Supports normal neurotransmitter production

• Helps support energy levels with the inclusion of B vitamins and vitamin C

• Supports healthy adrenal gland function

• Supports normal GABA activity for mental calm

Comprehensive formula with an array of adaptogenic herbs and herbs traditionally used for aiding a healthy stress response and calming the mind. Contains ashwagandha, valerian, lemon balm and passion flower, as well as L-theanine and taurine, vitamin C, B vitamins and magnesium. Additionally, CatecholaCalm™ addresses adrenal gland health, which may help handle occasional stress more effectively.

Unfortunately this product is not available in the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Germany and Austria

US$ 69,00
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