🌱 Sustainable Living Tips for a Greener Planet- Featured B Corp companies

Adopting a more sustainable lifestyle involves making choices that reduce your environmental impact while promoting practices that can be maintained over the long term. Here are some practical and effective tips for living more sustainably.

Reduction of wasting 

One of the earliest and most basic steps toward getting green is to investigate reusable products. Here are a few ways you may try to limit the amount of garbage you produce:

  • Use reusable supermarket bags: Using reusable grocery bags minimizes the number of plastic bags that end up being discarded. It can also save you a few pennies every supermarket trip. [1]

  • Avoid single-use bottles, containers, and utensils. Avoid using single-use goods wherever feasible because they are thrown off after only one use. [1]

  • Learn how to recycle properly: To avoid contaminating the recycling stream, you should learn which things may and cannot be recycled where you reside. [1]

Slow down fast- fashion.

Fast fashion has a huge environmental impact. The need to minimize costs and speed up production implies that environmental shortcuts will be struck. Fast fashion's negative effect includes the use of inexpensive, hazardous textile dyes, making it one of the world's major pollutants of clean water, alongside agriculture.[2]

Therefore, the reduction of fast fashion plays an important role in building a greener planet. We should avoid synthetic and plastic-based textiles like polyester, nylon, and spandex, which take decades to disintegrate. Choose natural fabrics such as wool, linen, silk, and cotton.

Make the holidays simpel

Holidays, weddings, and other big celebrations are causing a significant increase in waste. In December, for example, Americans produce 23% more garbage than in other months of the year. However, it is not only the excess rubbish that is an issue. All of the fossil fuels, forests, and other natural resources used to manufacture presents, decorations, single-use tableware, and wrapping paper deplete species and the environment they require to exist. However, you may change your festivities to be more environmentally friendly. Instead of using plastic decorations, extravagant presents, and single-use food and drink containers, you may decorate with foraged plants, offer homemade or recycled gifts, and serve plant-based meals on reusable crockery.[3]

Prefer Organic- Less meat

Consuming meat and other animal-derived products like milk and eggs tends to have an unfavorable environmental impact. For instance, producing a single steak requires about 4,000 liters of water, enough to fill over 20 bathtubs. Additionally, livestock farming is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and is a leading cause of rainforest destruction in places like South America.

Adopting a vegan diet or at least reducing meat consumption and choosing high-quality, locally sourced organic meat could help address these issues. While organic food is generally pricier, it is often healthier, tastier, and more sustainable. [4]

Water saving 

You may save a lot of water by modifying your diet, especially if you consume less meat. When you shower, bathe, or wash, you may also contribute to the conservation of water, a vital resource. A toilet with a water-saving button uses significantly less water for number one. Waterless urinals do not require any water at all. A new jet regulator in your tap will lower the amount of water pouring through while maintaining comfort and cleanliness.[4]

Save on Energy 

Reduced energy use is critical to promoting sustainable living. Every kilowatt-hour saved reduces reliance on fossil fuels, the primary source of greenhouse gases.

These pollutants trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming and severe weather events. Energy-efficient houses and equipment reduce hazardous pollutants while drastically lowering your power expenses.

Such wise choices help to reduce the strain on our electrical infrastructures while also reducing the overall environmental effect. Sustainable living necessitates that each individual take action to lessen their carbon footprint; consuming less energy is one practical method that everyone can assist achieve this aim.[5]

Featured B-Corp companies

B Corporations, or B Corps, are businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. We are proud to announce two notable brands that have earned B Corp certification.

Invivo Therapeutics

Invivo is a healthcare firm that prioritizes people. They provide the most recent advances in bioscience, diagnostics, and therapies while also promoting community, human ecology, and commercial openness. The motivation for everything they do and give is to assist restore human ecology. Modern medicine may have a significant influence on global resources and biodiversity; nonetheless, our health is inextricably linked to the health of our environment. Becoming a B Corp provides Invivo with a solid basis for supporting their objective by assuring the sustainability of their corporate structure. It was a natural step. Understanding their effect at the local, community, and global levels is both inspiring and humbling. It is a source of pride and a powerful incentive for future positive changes.[6]

Vital Proteins

Vital Proteins offers quality collagen-based solutions that integrate effortlessly into people's daily lives to help them move, look, and feel their best. Founded in 2013, they have evolved to become the collagen industry leader by emphasizing transparency, quality, and clean ingredients. Vital Proteins are now available in over 32 countries through mass merchants, grocery shops, chain drugstores, and natural food markets. Vital Proteins is founded on the simple conviction that wellness is vital, and it is dedicated to modernizing the business to promote deeper inclusiveness, a lower environmental footprint, and more access to nutrition information. Being a B-Corp since November 2022[7], Vital Proteins® demonstrates a commitment to making continual changes to our business processes, including lowering our environmental impact.